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Face the new school year with radiant skin

After the summer period, do you appreciate keeping the visible benefits of your vacation on your face? Rid of stress, dark circles and a dull complexion linked to your usual daily rhythm, your face is soothed and rejuvenated after a restorative break.

Makeup becomes lighter, taking advantage of the natural glow. Your morale will then be in good shape for the start of the school year, with renewed self-confidence, thanks to a face overflowing with energy. The face being the first ostentatious indicator of your level of form and balance, it is necessary to be cunning to maintain this state without stressing for the recovery.

After the summer, a few boosts to keep a radiant face

It is advisable to alternate periods of care with periods of natural reconstitution of the skin. A good rich and firming cream will be advised, such as Abellie's Lerida Cream. Nourishing, smoothing and regenerating, it will bring your complexion vitality and radiance.
Once this generous cure is over, the skin is left to rest for a few days. This minimalist approach will help the skin rejuvenate itself. Therefore, gentle make-up removal is preferable to gently remove impurities from the face without irritating the skin.

Flash tips?

The day before the start of the school year, we take time for ourselves! We get a nice manicure, we take a bath and we give ourselves a bubble of well-being.
This is an opportunity to take care of your skin, by gently exfoliating your face. Choose soft grains so as not to attack your skin.
And then, the organic Guérande Cosmetics Face Mask. It detoxifies the skin and hydrates it, in order to find a purified and luminous complexion.

And for our morale, we will agree that to be confident for the start of the school year, or for your first day at work, you always look good with a new outfit or your favorite dress.
And you, what are your tips for facing the start of the school year?

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