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Episode #3:a detox lifestyle

2020 will be beauty or it will not be! After this end of the year rich in events and festivities, we approach January with a desire for sweetness and calm. A bit like setting the counters to zero, to recharge the batteries, cocoon and hibernate to attack this year in the best possible way. We reassure you:here, no good resolutions, because for us, it's all year round. Above all, it is important, even essential, to always have fun, without feeling guilty, and to do good.

To start 2020, find 3 articles in the form of episodes to fill up on inspirations and detox desires with food, lifestyle or even beauty.

Departure for episode #3 with a detox and well-being lifestyle!

A steam bath

The steam bath allows you to deeply purify the skin and enjoy a moment just for yourself. Bundle up in your favorite house attire, light some candles and listen to some soft music. In a large bowl, bring water to a boil and add romaine hydrosol, 2 drops of tea tree essential oil and 2 drops of rosemary essential oil. Place your previously cleansed face over the bowl and cover your head with a towel to retain the steam for 5 to 10 minutes. For even more beneficial effects, then apply a moisturizing mask that you leave on for about twenty minutes before finishing with a refreshing tonic lotion and beauty oil.

Sesame oil

Sesame oil is one of Ayurvedic beauty secrets! Recognized for its softening and toning properties, it is used to massage the body, nourish hair and nails. Apply it in a tonic massage for 5 to 10 minutes each morning before taking your shower to stimulate the body and gently wake it up. Your skin will be softer, smoother, firmer and suppler.

Slow down:adopt the slow life

Slow down, take time for yourself, to listen to yourself, to feel. While our daily lives are real races against the clock, we take the time, every day or every week, to give ourselves a real break for our passions, rest or a walk. Challenge yourself with a little reading with a cup of tea, yoga at home, drawing or even cooking, simple little moments to simply not think about anything and put your mind at rest.

Meditation &yoga

The beneficial effects of meditation and yoga are well established! Peaceful mind, slower breathing, slower heart rate, toned body, more radiant skin... How about getting into meditation? Only 10 minutes a day is enough to do you the greatest good. You will also reduce your stress and improve your resistance to it. For even more inspiration, visit Holissence and Claire Andreewitch's blog.