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Argan, my beauty ally

In just a few years, argan oil has become a precious ally for the beauty of skin and hair. Here is an example, with the new beautiful natural box which offers you, among other things, a gentle exfoliation and a dry argan oil.

Argan oil comes from the argan tree, a thorny tree that grows in southwestern Morocco, in very arid areas. Its fruits, the size of a walnut, have a kernel that contains within them one to three almonds. To obtain 1 liter of oil, approximately 100 kg of fruit are needed.

It is made up of more than 75% unsaturated fatty acids (omega-6 and omega-9). Very rich in vitamin E and antioxidants, it has regenerating, restructuring and nourishing properties for the skin, but also for the hair.

Its fatty acids have an interesting action on all skin types , but more particularly to dry skin. It promotes the elasticity and tone of the epidermis. Argan oil is also recognized for its effectiveness in the fight against the appearance of fine lines because it promotes cell renewal.

Added to this are restorative and healing properties, it can be used in case of slight burns or small cracks. Finally, it stands out as a shield against external aggressions such as pollution or the cold. These soothing properties make it a good after sun: the skin is regenerated and soothed.

Argan oil is also recommended for dry hair , it brings deep nutrition to the fiber and restores its shine, ideal for coloring. It also strengthens the hair and soothes the scalp.

To take advantage of the benefits of argan oil on your skin, you will find in your box a dry oil from the pillon du roy soap factory. Body, face, hair, it will satisfy your needs for sure! Also, a gentle scrub with argan powder, here we find the stories soap brand. This ground argan powder mixes with water or facial cleanser for gentle exfoliation.

Good care!

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