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Common mistakes you could make when washing your face

By now you know that washing your face is a necessary step in your skin care regime. And probably the process has become second nature. But it turns out it's not as easy as you might think. You might even make mistakes that prevent your skin from looking beautiful. From using the wrong facial cleanser in your skincare routine to skipping evening washes, keep reading to find out the most common mistakes when washing faces and what you should do instead.

Error 1:You are using the wrong detergent
OK, this probably seems like a cinch, but it's worth repeating:you should use a cleanser formulated for your skin type. The good news is that there are many different types of cleansers, from gel to cream to foam.

Error 2:You are applying the detergent in the wrong way
Yes, there is a right way and a wrong way to apply a cleanser to your face. It is important to be gentle. So massage the cleanser lightly onto your skin – don't rub aggressively – then rinse and follow the rest of your skincare routine.

Error 3:You have dirty hands
This one is kinda gross if you think about it, so watch out! Before cleaning your face, wash your hands to make sure they are completely clean before putting them on your face. You touch a lot of things in your daily life, from door handles to your cell phone, and your hands can harbor bacteria on the various surfaces you come into contact with throughout the day – hence they need a good wash before getting near them. come off your face.

Error 4:You are using hot water Hot water can strip your skin of natural oils that can lead to dryness. When you wash your face, use lukewarm water instead. Trust us, your complexion will thank you!

Error 5:You are over-exfoliating
Exfoliation is the process of washing away dead skin cells from the surface of your skin and it's something you want to be careful about. Everyone's skin is different — so there's no hard and fast rule about how many times a week you should exfoliate. Some people may benefit from daily exfoliation, while others may only need to do it once or twice a week. It depends on your individual skin, so pay attention to how your skin reacts so you can determine how often it is appropriate to exfoliate. And remember:be gentle!

Error 6:You forgot the moisturizer
What you do after you wash your face is just as important as how you wash your face. And if you always skip using moisturizer after cleansing, it's time to change that – and that includes oily skin types! After rinsing off your cleanser, apply a moisturizer.