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Why does your skin peel when you are burned?

Why does your skin peel when you are burned?

After you get burned, your skin starts to peel. Have you ever wondered how that is possible?


When your skin burns, not only does it turn red, you also swell a little bit. If the swelling decreases, you will feel a little looser in your skin and you will shed.

Sometimes you are not burned and skins still come off your skin after showering. How is that possible?

Even if you are not burned, in the summer you expose your skin to the sun more often, which can cause it to be slightly irritated. When your skin relaxes, the swelling decreases and the epidermis is released more quickly. You can also molt due to the hardness of the water. A large part of the Netherlands has hard water – water that contains a lot of lime. As a result, your skin dries out faster and skins are formed because your skin is dry.

What can you do about molting?

Hydrating is important, because skin that feels dry sheds faster. Drink plenty of water to hydrate your skin from within and apply an after sun, lotion or butter after every shower (not too long and preferably with lukewarm water). Do not rub yourself too hard with a towel, but rather pat.

Still burned? 8 quick ways to soothe your sunburnt skin

Source:Archive | Image:Shutterstock