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Hydrate your skin:why hydration is essential?

For healthy and comfortable skin on a daily basis, hydration is essential. Moisturizing your skin brings it freshness and tone, while preventing premature aging, by strengthening the barrier that protects the skin from external aggressions. What are the causes of skin dehydration? How to hydrate it deeply? Veld's explains everything.

How does skin hydration work?

The skin is made up of several layers. Water, which is an essential element for the good health of the skin, passes from the deep layers to the surface of the skin. It thus nourishes all the layers, then evaporates on the surface naturally. If hydration is essential to the health of our skin, that is not all:the skin is composed of an aqueous part, but also of an oily part. Normal skin therefore has an equivalent amount of lipids (sebum) and water .

On the surface, this water/lipid balance creates a skin barrier, called hydrolipidic film . This film protects the surface of the skin against external aggressions. Whether you have normal, dry (lack of lipids) or oily (excess lipids) skin, all skin types need hydration to stay healthy and maintain the balance of the hydrolipidic film.

On a daily basis, our skin is subjected to many attacks, which will contribute to drying out the skin:a sudden change in temperature, a very dry environment, pollution, taking certain medications, or even the consumption of tobacco and alcohol. . In these conditions,it is necessary to take the lead by carefully moisturizing your skin .

Why is skin hydration essential?

Dehydrated skin is not healthy skin. Thus, if your skin lacks hydration, it will resist much less well to the aggressions it undergoes on a daily basis. Expression wrinkles will be much more marked, fragile areas such as the eye contour and lips may be deeply damaged.

Overall, the signs of aging develop much faster on dehydrated skin . You are also likely to be much more prone to tightness, redness and itching. Finally, when the skin is dehydrated, the complexion quickly dulls and it is difficult to obtain a healthy glow!

By using a moisturizer adapted to your skin, you can prevent the signs of aging, with firmer and smoother skin . Your skin will be more comfortable every day, without feelings of tightness. If you hydrate well, the good-looking effect will return very quickly, for a fresh and radiant complexion. In addition, having hydrated skin will greatly facilitate your beauty:makeup sets better, and lasts longer!

5 good practices for properly moisturizing the skin

To take care of your skin by moisturizing it properly, simple tips are to be put in place! Here are 5 best practices for deeply moisturizing your skin.

1. Drink water

Much of your skin's natural moisture comes from your diet. It is therefore necessary to drink a lot, at the rate of one liter, one and a half liters of water per day . Take a bottle of water to work to remember to drink, or take tea breaks. You can also play on the hydration contained in food :cucumbers, tomatoes, red radishes, endives, zucchini, green peppers or lettuce contain a lot of water and contribute to good hydration of the body, and therefore of the skin.

2. Cleanse and exfoliate your skin

To properly hydrate your skin, the epidermis must be able to receive and absorb the moisturizers it is given. To do this, before applying your moisturizer, cleanse your face with a cleanser suited to your skin type . You can complete the cleansing action with an exfoliating action with a scrub, to be applied once a week. A good reflex, since exfoliation is ideal for obtaining clean, clear skin, ready to receive a moisturizing treatment.

3. Take care of your skin morning and evening

We often think of cleaning and caring for our skin in the evening, but we don't necessarily think of doing the same in the morning. And yet, during the night, the skin drinks up the moisturizer, and the rest evaporates. At the same time, the skin rejects sebum and some of the toxins anchored in the epidermis. To have a fresh complexion and a healthy glow, it is essential to cleanse your skin well in the morning and provide it with the necessary care:a moisturizer that is lighter than the night cream , to ensure makeup hold, an eye and lip contour to illuminate your face and prevent the signs of aging, and you're done! You can then apply your makeup on a healthy base. By applying a moisturizer before makeup, you also strengthen the skin's "barrier" function, allowing it to go through the day without discomfort.

4. Adopt a suitable moisturizer

In the palette of moisturizers, there are many different treatments. For mature skin, it is better to bet on a deep hydration cream, like our Age 2 cream. O. If your skin suffers from severe dehydration, you can combine its action with that of the Age 2 serum. O, deep moisturizing with a strong anti-aging action. For combination to oily skin, opt for lighter textures, which will provide only water, without providing lipids so as not to grease the skin . For dry skin, which naturally lacks lipids, opt for a moisturizing and nourishing treatment which will bring water and lipids to the skin to improve its comfort.

5. Make regular masks

To give your skin a boost, there's nothing like face masks! Once or twice a week, give yourself a moment of well-being by leaving a mask on for 10 minutes. As seen above, you can opt for exfoliating and purifying masks, which will help to unclog pores for better efficiency of your care and clearer skin . To properly hydrate your skin, you can also opt for a moisturizing mask treatment, which will restore comfort and freshness to the skin.

For a double moisturizing and anti-aging action, we have developed the Age 2 mask. O with hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes the skin, plumps it up and smoothes wrinkles. An instant rejuvenation!