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Why are our minima[list] cosmetics formulated without water?

At minima[liste], we have chosen to formulate our natural cosmetics without water. Why this choice ? Thanks to our experience in the cosmetics sector, we have realized that sterilized water is neither essential nor considered as an active ingredient for the skin in cosmetics. Of course, this is a very important element for the proper functioning of the body; but in the formulation of cosmetics, it has no benefit for the skin. We explain everything about this natural resource!

Water and skin

The skin is an organ composed of between 67 and 73% water. Water has a driving role in its functioning and it is thanks to it that we have a radiant complexion, supple and plump skin and less marked wrinkles. We can see the power of water on our skin, especially when our skin is dehydrated:wrinkles or fine lines of dehydration can appear.

Wondering how to keep your skin hydrated? The answer is simple:keeping the skin well hydrated is done internally and not by applying cosmetics made of water. You have always heard that you should drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day. It's totally true. We explain:the more water you drink, the more you will maintain your internal hydration level and keep your skin radiant. It is quite simple and easy. Take the test:for a week drink the recommended minimum liter and a half of water without any other drink and the effects will be visible!

To maintain its internal hydration, another very important element is taken into account:the cutaneous barrier of your skin. If the cutaneous barrier of your skin is altered, the water contained in your skin can escape and thus cause skin dehydration. This is where cosmetics play an important role, especially waterless cosmetics:they will protect and restore your skin barrier by keeping it in excellent health and maintaining your hydration level.

Water in cosmetics

The ingredient "aqua", the INCI name for water, is generally the first ingredient you find in the list of ingredients that make up your cream or treatment. Being the first ingredient in the list means that it is the one that appears in the greatest quantity in the composition.

We can thus ask ourselves if water is an essential ingredient in cosmetics. The answer is no ! But then, why is it found in many cosmetic formulations? This ingredient has two uses in cosmetics, as a solvent and sometimes as an active.

Water in cosmetic formulations makes it possible to bind the ingredients together and vary the textures. It allows to create fluid, light, aqueous textures for example. This excipient is necessary in many cosmetics to vary what are called galenics, it can be an active ingredient if it is a hydrosol or thermal waters.

For example, spring water brings benefits to the skin and recharges it with minerals essential to its proper functioning. If a cosmetic formulation is composed of a hydrosol or thermal water, this adds an additional active ingredient to the formula and your treatment thus becomes very interesting for your skin.

The use of water in the composition of cosmetics, whether botanical, thermal or purified, requires the addition of a preservative. It is an ingredient very sensitive to microbial contamination and the use of preservatives prevents the development of microorganisms such as bacteria, molds, fungi. Some preservatives can be controversial, but above all allergenic.

Waterless cosmetic formulations

It is possible to formulate cosmetics without water, with only active ingredients. Since antiquity, waterless cosmetics have existed. In the form of balms, powders and oils, they are part of the beauty ritual.

The face or body care products found on the market are often emulsions. That is to say care formulated with water. These water-soaked skincare products collide with the skin barrier, which is mainly composed of fat (sebum) and thus has great difficulty penetrating it. Treatments remain on the surface and the active ingredients do not fully play their role:that of taking care of the skin.

This is where the interest of waterless cosmetics lies:mainly composed of lipophilic molecules (having an attraction for fatty substances and thus sebum) and more concentrated in active ingredients, waterless cosmetics have a real utility. for the skin:they reinforce the hydrolipidic film of our skin, cross this cutaneous barrier much more easily and make it possible to hydrate and nourish the skin to the maximum.

Formulating your cosmetics without water also means offering you preservative-free face or body care. Thus, we limit the risk of allergies and health problems!

Water a resource to be preserved

Water resources are no longer as infinite as they were decades ago. Several regions of the world lack water. In many industries this element is used, sometimes without awareness. We use it for everything and without appreciating its value.

In cosmetics, we know how to formulate treatments and create pleasant textures by banishing water from our formulas. So let's commit to preserving our Earth's water by eliminating it from our cosmetic formulas!

At minima[liste], we have decided to eliminate water of our formulas to offer you only active ingredients but also to limit the environmental impact. Indeed, formulating without water also makes it possible to preserve this precious natural resource, especially in countries where it is lacking. Waterless cosmetics are therefore excellent for the skin, for humans but also for our beautiful planet and its environment. Formulating your cosmetics without water also means eliminating allergenic preservatives! Our minimal[list] care products are thus formulated with only active ingredients for your skin.