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4 mistakes you unconsciously make that cause your skin to age quickly

4 mistakes you unconsciously make that cause your skin to age quickly

You eat healthily, go to bed on time, use skin care products… And yet there are 4 common mistakes that you make unconsciously that cause your skin to age quickly.

Sometimes you don't even realize it and you may not even be aware that you are doing things that can age your skin quickly. Oops! Of course you don't want that. So what should you pay attention to?

1. Do not use too many care products

Sometimes you can't see the trees for the forest when it comes to the range of care products. This for your eyes, this for lips, and that for your face… But too much care products are not good for your face either. For example, if you use a product with retinol (against wrinkles) and a product with benzoyl peroxide (against acne), you can damage your skin. Your skin then becomes dry and can even become inflamed. So if you buy care products, be well informed.

Read also :'8 good habits that prevent skin aging'

2. Hydrate!

Not only is it good to apply moisturizing products to your skin from the outside, but it is also good to moisturize your skin from the inside. If you don't drink enough, your skin can dry out and the chance of wrinkles is a lot higher. In addition, as you age, your skin loses its elasticity and hydration becomes more and more important!

3. Don't sleep on your face

Did you know that your sleeping position has a major influence on your skin? If you are a side or stomach sleeper, we have bad news. In those positions, you sleep on your face and increase the chances of puffiness and puffy eyes. So train yourself to sleep on your back. This will reduce the gravity on your face.

4. Make-up off!

Sometimes you're too tired to take off your makeup and brush your teeth before going to sleep. Even though you are almost in dreamland, it is still better to clean your face before going to sleep. If you don't, chances are your pores will get clogged and you'll get pimples. Especially if you have oily skin, your skin will look even more oily if you don't cleanse your face.