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11 Things That Make Your Body Age Faster

Now that we are all at home en masse, we must ensure that we do not age faster. Sitting for long periods of time causes your body to age faster. But you should also leave out these 11 things that make your body age faster

Young or old

I've already paid attention to it once. There are several reasons why you look older or younger than you are. It has everything to do with your genes and of course your lifestyle. You can't do anything about the one, while you can adjust your lifestyle. Because, let's face it:who doesn't want to look younger?

11 Things that make your body age quickly

Of course it's nice if you look younger than you actually are, but more importantly, it's also important to keep your body young. There are quite a few things that make your body age faster.

1. You sit more than 8 hours a day

With all the technological advancements, we've overlooked one thing:we don't have to move much anymore. Most of the work is done while sitting and sometimes just 8 hours a day in a row. Especially now that many people have to work at home due to all the measures surrounding the Coronavirus, people are even more behind the PC and laptop. Unfortunately, a sedentary lifestyle is absolutely disastrous for your body. Do you sit 8 hours or more a day? Then your body is biologically 8 years older. Do you want to prevent this? Then make sure you exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

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2. You often wear large earrings

Earrings are a fashion statement for many women. Wearing a pair of large earrings every once in a while doesn't hurt at all. Especially not if you underline your outfit with that. However, if you often wear large and heavy earrings, that is an attack on your body. The weight stretches your earlobes and reduces the elasticity of your skin. Because your ears are a visible part of your face, it can quickly make your body and face look older than you really are. Unfortunately, stretched skin can no longer be repaired.

3. You eat too much (red) meat

This is not so much about eating meat in general (on the contrary), but more about the amount and the fact that this is not in balance with eating fruits and vegetables. This imbalance causes an increase in serum phosphate in your blood. Too much of this can lead to kidney disease. A balanced diet with sufficient meat, vegetables and fruit prevents your body from aging prematurely and keeps you healthy.

4. You don't have close friends

As crazy as it may sound, a lack of real friends can age your body. Studies have shown that loneliness has the same effect on the body as smoking. These effects can be seen in people with few social contacts and people who go out little or not at all. Doing something fun with friends also keeps you moving, which in turn affects your overall health.

5. You change your diet too often

There is no harm in following a diet if you do it carefully. Adjust the diet completely to the needs of your body. However, are you someone who blows with all the winds? Today you follow a keto diet and in 3 weeks you do a detox with only water and fruit? And the following week you know a different diet? Then stop if you don't want your body to age faster. Your body needs time to get used to each new diet. This feels like stress to your body. And we all know that stress is not good. Stress causes your body to age faster. Besides the fact that you age faster, an ever-changing diet is bad, because it can cause a decrease in muscle and bone mass.

6. You drink bottled water too often

As tempting as it may be:rather use a glass to drink from. It has been proven that if you drink from a bottle daily, you will get extra wrinkles around your lips. In principle, you can no longer undo wrinkles and they make you look older.

7. You are a frequent flyer

Aircraft humidity is generally less than 20%. It is therefore not surprising that your skin feels much drier after flying. To prevent this, it is advisable to keep a small cup or bottle at hand that you can fill with water. That way you stay hydrated. Aircraft are also full of bacteria, so make sure you have good hygiene. Do you fly frequently? Then this will have an impact on your body.

8. You don't shower after exercise

This isn't just about hygiene, but about sweating that irritates your skin. This in turn can cause damage and even aging of your skin. That's why it's crucial to cleanse your skin in the morning and just before going to sleep. You should also clean your skin after exercise. Are you unable or unwilling to shower after exercising? At least try to rinse your face so that all sweat is rinsed off.

9. You eat too much sugar and milk products

It's not just about what you do with your body, but what you put into it. If you leave a piece of fruit on the counter for a while, you will see that this will change. It turns brown because the sugar reacts with the proteins. Your body will have the same reaction when sugar reacts to collagen. Your skin becomes pale and gray.

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Some studies show that dairy products are also bad for your body. An excessive intake of dairy products increases the risk of inflammation. This leads to oxidative stress, an important reason for (unnecessary) aging.

10. You take too many supplements

It is true that a deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals is disastrous. You can see that in hair loss, but brittle nails are also a sign on the wall that there are shortages. The other side of the story is that people quickly start taking too many supplements. This can lead to your body being poisoned to a limited extent with the result that your body ages faster. Have your blood checked regularly, so that you know for sure where and how much you are deficient. Think especially of vitamin B12 and vitamin D.

11. Have your hormones checked

The older we get, the more our hormones change or adapt. If there is an imbalance, it will have a major impact on your body. This can not only cause mood swings, but also affect your hair and skin. That is why it is wise to have your hormones checked once a year via a blood test.

Your body's aging is a natural process. If you yourself suffer from a chronic condition or illness, the sitting process could go much faster than normal. However, if this is not the case, pay attention to the aforementioned things to prevent your body from aging prematurely. Eating nuts and exercising regularly helps your body to stay fit and healthy.

What do you do to prevent your body from aging quickly?