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5 Habits That Can Make Your Hair Grease

5 Habits That Can Make Your Hair Grease

Do you unconsciously make your hair greasy faster?

1. You wash your hair too often

Washing your hair too often will unbalance your scalp's natural sebum production. Not everyone is affected by this as much, but if you quickly suffer from oily hair, it can help to wash your hair less. It's hard to maintain at first, but over time, your hair will stay fresher for longer. Convinced to try it? These are 7 ways to wash your hair less often.

2. You often touch your hair

Oily hair originates at the hair roots. The fat is produced by your scalp. If you touch your hair often, you will distribute the oiliness throughout the rest of your hair, making your hair appear even more oily. The same applies to brushing, which also distributes the fat through your hair. Occasional brushing is necessary, but don't overdo it.

3. You use too many hair products

Hair products can make your hair greasy faster and especially if you use a lot of products, that can make your hair greasy. Also make sure that you use the right products for your hair type. Take as an example a serum, a fine product against frizzy hair, but with others it will simply cause too greasy hair.

4. You shower too hot

Warm water dries out your skin and hair, causing your scalp to produce more sebum. Try not to shower too hot and rinse your hair with cold water afterwards. More about the benefits of taking a colder shower.

5. You never clean your hairbrush

It's not the most fun job, but it's necessary. Hair, remains of styling products, dust… All kinds of things collect on your brush. It can make your hair dull or greasy more quickly. Your hair dryer and straightener could also use a cleaning. This is how you clean your styling tools.

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