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Foods to knock out wrinkles

Just a little reminder that feels good. The skin is nourished by nutrients arriving…directly from the blood. From the inside, then. Its exterior face is made to protect, so it is difficult to do really penetrate vitamin C, coenzyme etc. on this side... Long before creams, the real way to delay wrinkles begins with what we eat:you have to stuff yourself with vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin E

Powerful, it helps regenerate cells while preserving the lipids that form their membranes. Its best sources are wheat germ oil, almonds and hazelnuts. Basically, we do a "youth cure" with a small handful of almonds or hazelnuts every day... and for life.

Omega 3

They participate in particular in the hydration of the skin by reinforcing the cement between the cells. Fatty fish are a very good source, and the prize goes to mackerel (we run to Carrefour to jump on his box of Saupiquet). Salmon eggs are also very rich in omega 3.

Vitamin C

In particular, it helps our body to form collagen, responsible for the elasticity of the skin. The best way to get it is to eat your choice daily:an orange, a kiwi, a grapefruit, a glass of citrus juice, a mango, strawberries...

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It plays a role in all the anti-free radical mechanisms responsible for aging. Problem, it is often insufficient in our diet. The best way to get it is to regularly eat seafood (shrimp, oysters, etc.), again and again hazelnuts, almonds and walnuts, mushrooms, fish, garlic and shallots.


The darker the skin of fruits and vegetables, the more antioxidants it contains! On his plate, we therefore abuuuse:eggplant, blueberries and raspberries, tomatoes. But also of course all the other fruits and vegetables, rich by nature in antioxidants.

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