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Top 3 Antioxidant Foods

It is good to remember that the youth of our skin depends above all on the contents of our plate! Booster shot in the form of a top 3 of the most antioxidant foods.

Top 1:Prunes

These fruits that are associated with advertisements for intestinal comfort are an unbeatable source of antioxidants. Its polyphenol and isomer content prevents inflammation responsible for oxidation of the body and skin tissues. In other words, eating 5 prunes a day (5x15 grams) could prevent us from seeing our skin wrinkle like a… prune. Prune fibers lower bad cholesterol and therefore reduce oxidative stress and excessive cardiovascular pressure. Source of vitamins B1, B5, B9, C and E, iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium, the prune is the friend of the small hungers of sportsmen / ives. It perfectly fills glycemic needs without widening our leggings. Finally, it helps balance our intestinal flora... a godsend when you know that the intestine is our second brain! Stay young in your head and your skin:eat prunes!

Top 2:Red fruits and berries

The silver medal goes to the large family of red fruits and berries. Strawberries, raspberries, goji berries, elderberries, cranberries and blueberries are little treasures that make our skin “pretty, pretty” like a famous fruit salad. Each of the members of the clan of red fruits has its advantage, hence the interest of eating these fruits together. The strawberry, for example, is a particularly interesting internal cleanser because it has the ability to rid the body of nitrites and nitrates. Carcinogenic elements found in deli meats. Goji berries are rich in luthein and zeaxanthin, the only antioxidants that protect the youthfulness of the eyes! Blueberries, cherries and raspberries contain a high concentration of vitamin C, thus boosting the production of natural collagen. This densifies the skin tissue for plump cheekbones!

Top 3:Garlic

Famous when it enters the preparation of the Pan con Tomate , garlic is a valuable ally in the war against fine lines. The flavonoids and tocopherols present in garlic strengthen the immune system. They thus fight against the installation of various inflammations. They protect the arteries, the heart but also the lungs by reducing the oxidative stress responsible for cardiovascular diseases. By thinning the blood, garlic helps to improve blood circulation, which has the effect of oxygenating the entire body. Invigorated, the body and the skin are more toned and firmer.