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5 reasons to adopt natural deodorants on a daily basis

Green deodorant, or natural deodorant, is an increasingly popular solution today to fight against perspiration while taking care of your armpits. Respectful of the environment and our fragile skin, this hygiene and care product is committed and zero waste. Here are 5 reasons to adopt organic and natural deodorant everyday.

5 reasons to adopt natural deodorants on a daily basis

Why do you have to get rid of conventional deodorants?

In recent years, conventional deodorants have been making headlines, particularly because of their health-hazardous ingredients. Main accused:aluminum salts present in large quantities in industrial deodorants found on the market. This component is indeed harmful to health since it enters the body and reduces skin protection. It has also been proven that this chemical compound is at the origin of the increase in the number of breast cancers in women who use this type of conventional deodorant.

Today, many are adopting a deodorant without any aluminum salt . This position is very important to keep in good shape and continue to fight against external aggressions that can damage the skin. This is all the more crucial as conventional deodorants also contain endocrine disruptors, chemical preservatives and parabens. This is worrying since deodorant is an essential hygiene product that is applied directly to the skin. However, the latter is permeable and thin, especially when it is weakened by successive waxing and/or irritation.

Getting rid of conventional deodorants to choose natural deodorants is also part of a commitment to live better in one's environment. Indeed, aerosol deodorant contains polluting solvents, which can also cause asthma and contribute to global warming. Not to mention the packaging of conventional deodorant, usually plastic. This non-recyclable waste contributes to a poor carbon footprint.

The natural deodorant is therefore a perfect organic alternative for all those who wish to combine effectiveness, respect for their skin and the environment .

1 - Natural deodorant:an environmentally friendly hygiene product

Natural deodorant is an organic deodorant that takes care of the environment . Unlike conventional stick or spray deodorant, solid deodorant does not pollute and is good for the environment. Indeed, using a classic deodorant on a daily basis contributes to the aggravation of the ozone layer and the release of volatile organic compounds which are the source of pollution in the atmosphere. The natural deodorant makes you beautiful and fresh all day long by allowing you to take a step towards protecting the planet.

This process applies to the whole house. Opting for everyday products that respect the environment means choosing soft and natural compositions, less packaging, a lower carbon footprint and supporting projects in line with your values.

2 - The organic and natural deodorant respects your body

5 reasons to adopt natural deodorants on a daily basis

The body is greatly weakened by hygiene products that contain toxic and harmful elements. Among them, conventional deodorants which have chemical components considered toxic to health. In particular aluminum salts, silicone and other chemical agents such as endocrine disruptors. These accumulate as the product is used until they form particles that can cause cancer.

Thanks to the natural hypoallergenic deodorant which contains natural compounds such as drops of essential oil you are protected on a daily basis and dry. This type of organic deodorant does not prevent sweating, which in itself is a good thing since perspiration is natural and allows you to get rid of toxins while regulating your body temperature. It is actually the bacteria that are responsible for bad odors.

However, a natural deodorant can reduce these odors throughout the day without blocking the pores of your skin and while moisturizing your armpits gently. A natural deodorant with coconut oil or shea butter noticeably improves the condition of the armpits, including the most sensitive of them. The latter are smooth and no longer experience irritation or redness.

3 - Natural organic deodorant is economical and lasts longer

Unlike conventional deodorant, natural deodorant lasts longer because of its composition. As a general rule, it is estimated that a natural deodorant in its solid form is worth two classic deodorants in sticks.

In addition, its use is very easy since you just have to pass the deodorant bar under water before passing it under your armpits. When you pass this natural deodorant on your skin, you instantly feel a feeling of comfort, due to its composition, in particular based on very nourishing coconut oil.

Solid deodorants leave a fine cream on the armpit which is a sign that they react normally to the heat of your skin. Your skin thus receives the right amount of product needed. Then you just need to keep your natural deodorant cool to keep it for a long time. Enough to make significant savings.

4 - Solid deodorants protect the skin flora

An organic solid deodorant protects your skin flora unlike classic deodorant. And this is essential in practice since the skin flora protects you against external aggressions. A failing skin flora reduces your skin's defence, which then allows more bacteria to pass through, in particular the cause of bad odors.

With the natural deodorant the barrier remains intact which allows you to fight effectively against the outside world. Your epidermis is healthy and therefore more robust against your environment. Choosing an organic and natural deodorant is essential to keep your armpits in perfect health on a daily basis. Rich in essential active ingredients, this natural deodorant takes care of you and soothes all skin types. It promotes good hydration of the skin and protects it against all external aggressions. It also has anti-bacterial actions .

5 - Organic deodorant is very effective in combating perspiration and bad odors

As a general rule, an organic deodorant consists of natural products such as baking soda, which is a very effective anti-bacterial.

Contrary to popular belief, deodorant of natural origin is more effective than its conventional version. You still have to find the deodorant you need since every woman has a different skin and no one sweats in the same way.

It is to meet the needs of all women that Nuoo has selected the best natural deodorants with various formulas. And always composed of 100% natural products that are effective on a daily basis .

Which natural deodorant to choose?

There is no single natural deodorant and everyone who uses it knows it. For pregnant women, children and those with particularly sensitive skin, an organic deodorant without essential oil is recommended. If you have a different profile, a natural deodorant with essential oil drops is a very interesting solution since the essential oil has antiperspirant and antibacterial properties. There are many different scents in this field, such as rose, palmarosa, lavender or even mandarin.

For their part, people who are intolerant to bicarbonate will turn to a natural deodorant that does not contain it. This is the case of very fragile epidermis which are sensitive to this product in particular.

And you, what type of deodorant do you use? A deodorant balm, a solid or stick deodorant? Tell us in the comments!

Contact us at [email protected] if you need help in your choice of deodorant!