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Hairstyle:The 8 mistakes to avoid on a daily basis

It is often said that to do great things you have to think deeply about the details. Therefore, if you want to get a beautiful mane to make your girlfriends green with envy, the best and dwell on small things that, performed daily, will make all the difference. But still it is necessary to thwart the bad habits and the gestures which serve us. Here is a small list that will help you get off to a good start.

Never apply detangler to the roots!

Detanglers and hair masks are designed to be applied to lengths and ends. They repair the hair and bring them hydration and shine. On the other hand, if these treatments are applied to the roots, your hair will be weighed down by this often very rich product. They will therefore appear flatter and regrease more quickly.

Do not overuse dry shampoo!

Attention ladies, the dry shampoo is in no way to be used daily. Even if the name can be misleading, it does not replace traditional shampoo. Although it is a very good ally for boosting the volume of fine hair or helping us out on busy mornings, it must however be used in moderation so as not to end up with whitish roots at best (although now several brands offer hair color dry shampoos) or at worst with irritation, itching or sometimes even hair loss due to certain components.

Never use a rubber band with an iron tip!

Unsurprisingly, this famous little piece of scrap promotes the breakage of your hair. Luckily there are now rubber bands sold without this little piece of iron that bothers us so much. Don't hesitate to get some, these will make all the difference!

Never dry your hair by rubbing it hard in a towel!

When you get out of the shower, your hair is already quite tangled. Rubbing her hair with a towel to dry it would be a big mistake. This would weaken them and tangle them further. Instead, wring them out (without overtightening) with a towel that's not too rough, then detangle them with a large-toothed comb. Here is a detail that will make the difference.

Never start brushing with too wet hair!

Perhaps you already knew it, but the great hairdressers recommend drying your hair at 80% before brushing. This on the one hand to save time (drying would be much longer and more restrictive on very damp hair). On the other hand, bringing too much heat to your wet hair will weaken it considerably.

Never wash your hair right before doing a bun!

This is THE big rule of all self-respecting hair stylists. “Too clean” hair tends to slip and therefore the pins hold less well. This is why, for easier work and better hold of the hairstyle, it is best to wash them the day before.

Never apply mousse to dry hair!

Mousse is a styling product that is almost always used on damp hair. It is applied just before drying and prepares the hair for styling.

The danger, if it is applied to dry hair, is that it gives a cardboard finish, which is frankly not ideal.

Never apply wax, pomade or gel without first heating them in your hand!

They are generally quite compact products for the most part. In order to make them more malleable and to facilitate the work, it is advisable to heat them in the palm before applying them. Otherwise the risk would be to put too much and make the hair greasy.

For a good result take a little, heat the product well and apply it evenly.