This off-white canvas bag (the term tote bag is a bit simple) can go with everything and in any circumstance:day or night, in jeans or in a skirt, dressed in black or in color… that works every time! Convenient when you're too lazy to match your bag to your outfit.
Because it is not made of plastic (and does not suffocate small turtles who confuse them with jellyfish…), it does not need to be recycled in any particular way and in addition it is suitable for machine:so if it gets dirty, just put it in the washing machine and it's like new. Bonus:if you choose it in organic cotton, it is even more eco-responsible!
Several online shops (such as Main Gauche, Bagart or the Atelier du Tote Bag) have specialized in the personalization of t-shirts, sweaters and now tote bags too! This means that you can print a photo, Junior's drawing or even his own if you want! And if you don't want to bother with that, you can draw directly on it with special cotton markers (not sure that it goes as well in the machine afterwards though).
In manufacturing, a tote bag is a story of cents. It is a bit more expensive to buy, but generally, you can find very good quality ones for around €5. If you opt for a organic cotton model , it is a little more expensive, but the price does not usually exceed 10 €. Compared to a big brand handbag, there's no comparison!
This (not so) little cotton bag is really simple and super efficient:some people use it as an everyday handbag, others as a shopping bag or even as a beach bag … There are different models and different sizes, so just choose the right one for the use you want to make of it!
Also read:
A tote bag to help single moms? It exists!
Must-have beach bags
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