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Watch:right or left hand, how to choose?

Why do we wear a watch on our left hand?

The most common rule is not to wear your watch on the left hand, but to wear it on the wrist opposite the writing hand. In other words, left-handed for right-handers , right-handed for left-handers. Why ? To be able to manipulate the watch using your dominant hand, on the one hand:if you are right-handed, attaching the strap buckle or setting the time with your left hand is not easy! To free the wrist used for writing, on the other hand, an imposing watch that can get in the way by rubbing on the paper. Some say, in passing, that wearing your watch on the non-dominant side protects it from many shocks and risks, to which the hand that works the most is exposed.

Can a watch be worn on the right hand?

With less than 20% of left-handers in France, the majority of the population actually wears their watch on their left hand . A habit, rather than a rule, to be adapted according to your needs! Especially since if the pretext of the dominant hand seems outdated to you, it has only shifted. Admittedly, the use of pencil and paper is increasingly rare, with digital technology gradually replacing traditional methods... But anyone who manipulates a computer mouse with a large watch on their wrist generally encounters the same problem! The wrist placed on a desk makes the watch uncomfortable in the left hand for left-handed people, right for right-handed people. Hence the interest of trying it out, for a few hours, with the watch on your wrist.

Right hand or left hand, which watch for you?

To choose which side to wear your watch , test! The choice is most often spontaneous, and the watch annoying when it is not on the right wrist. Left hand, right hand, you hesitate? If no discomfort is felt, choose the non-dominant wrist and wear it for at least a day. If necessary, use a bracelet of similar size to the watch considered, especially for large models, such as connected watches. Follow your usual schedule between work and home:certain professions may present obstacles to wearing a watch on the left or right hand. The decision is still not made? Repeat the operation the next day by changing wrist. In desperation, if neither comfort nor practicality seem to decide, explore the aesthetic aspect. If you're used to wearing bracelets on one side or the other, adding a watch may get in the way...or ruin your look by overcrowding it. The principle is the same if you wear many rings on your right hand, none on your left hand:the contrast is often more successful than aligning the watch and rings on one side only. What if the watch bothers you? All that remains is to opt for an alternative!

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