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How to choose the right sugar?

Which sugar to choose? That is the question ! There are answers but none as satisfying as the one that will convince you to quit sugar altogether.

Whether you are diabetic, overweight, suffering from cancer, or simply looking for the most respectful sugar for your body, follow the guide.

The harmful effects of sugars on our body

Any product that brings sugar to our body has harmful effects. Whether you choose one or the other of the sugars, it is undeniable that sugar accelerates the oxidation of our cells and therefore their aging.

In addition, you should know how our organism reacts when it is given a sweet food:the level of sugar in the blood (glycaemia) will increase. It is then that the pancreas will secrete insulin, this hormone which will allow the assimilation of sugar by the cells so that the latter transform it into energy. But the decrease in blood sugar levels will cause blood sugar levels to drop below the normal threshold in the blood. In order to raise blood sugar to a correct threshold, the pancreas will secrete glucagon, the hormone that will call for sugar... pushing you to consume it again.

In a diabetic person, the production of insulin is deregulated, or even non-existent. Glucose (sugar) therefore cannot leave the blood to be used by the cells.

To sum up, the perfect sugar would be a very low glycemic sugar but still a little, full of antioxidants and... natural of course!

Insulin is also a hormone that stops lipolysis and promotes lipogenesis. Basically, to summarize it promotes storage in the form of fat.

Let's compare the most common sugars:

From sugar cane:GI 64

White sugar: it comes from sugar cane or beet, refined it provides ONLY calories.

Brown sugar or brown cane sugar: It is composed of 5% mineral salts and organic matter (gums and waxes). Be careful not to confuse brown sugar and blond sugar which is a refined sugar colored with caramel.

Rapadura and Muscovado: dehydrated sugar cane juice. These two sugars have a very interesting nutritional interest because they have both preserved the vitamins and trace elements originating from sugar cane. The glycemic power is as high as that of white sugar.

Other natural sugars:

Fructose: IG 30 Fructose is naturally present in fruits. This sugar does not or only slightly disturb blood sugar. On the other hand, it does not satiate and very easily turns into fat.

Agave syrup:GI 15. Derived from the agave, an American cactus, the fibers of the plant are transformed into sugar. Agave syrup is made up of fructose (fruit sugar) and glucose. But fructose is present in much greater quantities. Agave syrup is therefore easily transformed into fat.

Honey: GI 60/80 Honey is 80% sugar and 20% nutrients. It therefore has a very good nutritional advantage. In addition, it is rich in flavonoids. Flavonoids are very good antioxidants.

Stevia:GI 0 The very big advantage of stevia is its very low impact on blood sugar. On the other hand, the studies carried out on the effects of stevia on health are contradictory. It is therefore necessary to be well documented. Finally, stevia has a strong enough taste, it can be dissuasive.

Synthetic sweeteners:

Sucralose and asparthame:GI ±0 These sweeteners are therefore chemical. They are very controversial so it is particularly recommended to avoid them.

Which sugar should I choose?

Each of you will make your own choice. Now you are at least informed. Here are my naturopathic tips:

If you have diabetes: I strongly advise you to choose stevia or agave syrup and honey, but in very small quantities.

If you are overweight :choose honey, stevia or agave syrup. The best part of a diet will be honey because its high nutritional value is a real benefit and will reduce the risk of consuming sugar again in stride.

If you're just looking to make the wisest choice possible, I recommend honey.

It does not require any modifications in the industry, it is completely natural, its flavonoid content, and micronutrients make it a food of choice which also helps to fight against the oxidation of cells caused by sugar.

Finally, honey is an effective antiseptic, which makes it a curative food in the context of winter respiratory pathologies:sore throats for example. Discover this month in the 100% ORGANIC BelleauNaturel Box the delicious and nutritious ORGANIC Maritime lavender honey!

Healing while sweetening...what a lovely idea!

Don't forget the last word:the best sugar is no sugar at all!

Virginie from