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Shoes:how to choose the right sandals?

Sandals:comfortable above all

In summer, the high heat can make many pairs of shoes uncomfortable. It is therefore essential to choose a model in which your feet do not hurt. On the other hand, it is not always obvious, during the fittings, to know if the shoes will make you suffer or not. The first rule is to try them systematically at the end of the day. Generally, the feet swell over time and can be tired. If sandals are right for you, chances are they will always be right for you. The second rule is to avoid buying sandals in the middle of winter for the same reasons. Also, when you try on a pair, if you feel any discomfort, it is best to leave it at the store. You can also choose a model that is certainly comfortable, but trendy and hot. You also need to bet on the right size. If the sandals you want are no longer available in your size, look for others. The basic principle is that the toes should never touch the end of the shoe.

The choice of shoes with heels

Some women cannot do without shoes with heels under any circumstances. Also, to avoid health problems such as body aches and back pain, the heel height should not be more than 10 cm. If you have a special occasion, you can certainly choose to wear sandals with high heels, but certainly not every day. The recommended height is between 4 and 7 cm. The heels thus adapt to the arch of the foot and offer an elegant and natural gait to women. For those who don't like sandals with heels, you can find shoes with small heels of 1 to 3 cm. Totally flat shoes are however to be avoided to avoid circulation problems. A good alternative is therefore to favor platform and wedge shoes. Wedge heels are indeed the most comfortable for walking. Finally, espadrille-type ropes have been very fashionable for many seasons.

Sandals according to the morphology of the foot

To choose the right sandals, the last important point concerns the morphology. Because not all styles of sandals are suitable for all women. If you have a strong calf and/or a thick ankle, it is important to avoid strappy sandals that cut into the ankle, as well as gladiator sandals. If you have the "Greek foot" (the second toe longer than all the others), it is better not to wear sandals that have a ring for the big toe. It wouldn't show off your foot! If you have flat and/or wide feet, you should opt for sandals with a small heel. In any case, forget the thong shapes that can give the impression that the foot "overflows" from the shoe! For women who don't like their feet too much, there's a proven trick:divert attention! Because you are not going to stay in closed shoes when the outside temperatures are around 30°C. So bet on sandals with jewels and games of straps, etc.