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How to choose the right horsehair glove?

The horsehair glove as an ideal exfoliant before hair removal

The horsehair glove is a braided glove made of animal hair (usually beef, horse or goat) or plant hair (dwarf palm, agave). It is an essential beauty accessory as it is multifunctional. One of its first uses is its ideal exfoliating effect before waxing. It prepares the skin properly before electric hair removal. The horsehair glove should not be used on sensitive areas such as the jersey. For the legs and armpits, it is ideal because it facilitates the not very pleasant operation of hair removal. It straightens the hairs. Simply apply the horsehair glove very gently to the area to be depilated. It is not necessary to go strongly at the risk of injury. Then proceed to waxing. The horsehair glove is also known to fight against ingrown hairs. If you have atopic skin, it's best to keep your horsehair glove in the drawer.

The horsehair glove for effective exfoliation

The horsehair glove is ideal for performing effective scrubs. Its rough texture makes it a formidable weapon against dead skin. It exfoliates and gums the skin. It can be used in the shower or in the bath. The important thing is to always have damp skin to apply it, never on dry skin in the case of a scrub. The combo, which works miracles, is the horsehair glove combined with black soap. This is one of the tricks of oriental hammams that promise very soft skin. This solution has the advantage of being natural, economical and practical. The horsehair glove can replace many bottles and tubes in the bathroom, while being just as effective (or even more!).

The horsehair glove to fight cellulite

One of the favorite uses of the horsehair glove by women is its renowned action against cellulite. It is not going to work miracles, but if you pay attention to your diet, if you practice a sports activity and you apply slimming cream…. So do not doubt its benefits! The rough texture of this glove is perfect for stimulating blood circulation. As a result, it dislodges cellulite and orange peel skin, the great enemies of women. For it to be effective, it is important to make large circular movements. Go up from the bottom to the top of the body gently for about 5 minutes. There is no need to press like a bully. Focus on the areas most prone to cellulite like the thighs, buttocks and hips. Prefer a massage in the shower on damp skin. To hydrate and reinforce the action, do not hesitate to apply a slimming cream afterwards. You can repeat the action once or twice a week. Above all, do not use the horsehair glove every day at the risk of seriously irritating your skin!