Antiperspirant deodorants are full of chemicals...
They control perspiration by clogging the pores of the skin to prevent sweat from passing...
Studies show they can even cause cancer!
Luckily, you can make an effective, 100% natural deodorant in just 1 minute (and it costs next to nothing).
The recipe is to mix baking soda, cornstarch and dried lavender . Watch:
- 100 g baking soda
- 50g cornstarch
- 1 sprig of dried lavender
- 1 airtight jar
1. Put the cornstarch and baking soda in the pot.
2. Add the finely chopped sprig of lavender.
3. Shake the jar to mix the ingredients well.
4. Sprinkle a little of this powder on a damp glove.
5. Dab the glove under your armpits. You don't even need to rinse.
And There you go ! You now know how to make your 100% natural deodorant in 1 min flat :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
It's still better than putting toxic products under your armpits!
This homemade deodorant is super effective at eliminating odors throughout the day.
Feel free to reapply as soon as it no longer works.
Remember to keep your jar tightly sealed and away from moisture.
The 3 ingredients in this deodorizing powder are perfect for eliminating sweat odors!
Baking soda neutralizes odors and absorbs moisture.
In addition, it is antifungal and prevents the proliferation of bacteria that cause odors.
Cornstarch has the same properties as bicarbonate in terms of absorption and also neutralizes odors.
As for lavender, it gives a good natural clean smell on the skin.