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Cream for oxygen-deficient skin:challenge wrinkles, shark healthy complexion!

Getting older is fun until your 18th birthday. Then you have something to look forward to 😉 . From that moment on, the Great Decay begins to set in. I used to laugh about that. Today my frown remains cheerful after a day in the sun. And I haven't even mentioned that period when the sun doesn't shine! Before you know it, you'll be doing facial exercises for hours, trying to tighten things up a bit. But of course there are other methods for that too… This time we were allowed to use a cream for oxygen-poor skin try it:curious what that does for this aging skin!

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Do you have oxygen-deficient skin?

Oxygen-deficient skin:what exactly is it? We admit honestly:we also had to google it. And finding a one-sided answer to that question was not easy! According to one person, with oxygen-deficient skin, you have a sallow complexion. According to the other just a shiny face. What is clear:oxygen can be found everywhere in your body, including in the skin. A lack of oxygen in your skin can cause problems. If the oxygen percentage in your skin is lowered, bacteria will feel better. Collagen proliferation also stops, creating cancer-friendly conditions. Do you want to know if you have oxygen-deficient skin? Then consult your beautician or dermatologist.

Read also: facial cleansing step-by-step plan for 3 minutes a day

How does oxygen-deficient skin develop?

Oxygen-deficient skin is actually a direct result of aging. We all suffer from it to a greater or lesser extent. If your environment is very oxygen-rich, you will suffer less from skin aging. Then you can of course decide to spend the rest of your life in a mountain hut in the Alps (not wrong either). But you can also go for a cream for oxygen-poor skin. Oxygen-deficient skin is no longer able to absorb and process nutrients properly. This makes it lifeless and you get more trouble with impurities. Lines and wrinkles are also becoming more and more common. Your pores will open further, trying to 'breathe' anyway. Okay, time to put that Kata cream for oxygen-deficient skin on it.

Cream for oxygen-deficient skin:Kata Shark's Oil Cream

We can try the Kata cream for oxygen-deficient skin from Utsukusy. Shark's Oil Cream, I hear you thinking? Is that ethically responsible? Don't worry, this isn't shark fin soup! There is no shark in the cream for oxygen-deficient skin. What does that name refer to then? They have made an interesting discovery in the field of sharks. Although I don't really think the shark is a sexy animal, it turns out it does have very good skin. Sharks never have pimples! And that while they live under oxygen-poor conditions:well done.

The substance that appears to be responsible for this is squalene. Squalene stimulates the oxygen uptake of the skin. And it can be obtained from the oil made from the liver of sharks. Because the use of sharks in cosmetic products is no longer really accepted, they have come up with something else at Utsukusy . In the lab they searched for vegetable sources of the substance Squalene. And they found it! A completely animal-friendly cream for oxygen-poor skin.

Kata Cream also anti-stress?

The Kata cream for oxygen-poor skin would have another nice additional effect. For example, the cream would not only have a rejuvenating effect on the skin, but also reduce stress. What? Less stress by applying a cream? According to blogger Mellaah, the cream even works against her panic attacks.

I didn't notice that myself, but I am very stress resistant 😉 . Of course I tried the Kata cream for a long time, the jar is now almost empty. The content of the jar is 50 ml and it will take you quite a while.

I personally did not like the cream very well, probably because it is a bit thicker. I like a lighter cream that is easy to spread. I also diluted the cream a bit before applying it. You can do this very easily by mixing a little cream in your palm with, for example, rosemary hydrolate. This not only makes it easier to lubricate, but also makes it even more refreshing to use.

The nicely scented cream is well absorbed by my skin and I notice that my shiny look is a bit contained again. Nice! This cream for oxygen-poor skin is completely vegetarian and paraben-free. I think that's a big plus too. All ingredients are listed here for you in full.