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An eyelash lift, what is it, how does it work and what does an eyelash lift look like?

For months I have been looking with interest at women with a full eyelash look through extensions or eyelash lifting. I think it's beautiful, those just-not-quite-real lashes. And you see them everywhere! Not in my group of friends, but with an employee in the supermarket, with quite a few celebrities and the teacher at school also has them! Now I'm at the point where I want to give it a try. I'm still a bit hesitant at the idea that it also costs so much maintenance. You should have your eyelash extensions refilled every few weeks to ensure that 'the holes' don't fall in. And I know myself… I'm not very good at all this which takes a lot of time. Except work 😉 .

I have had gel nails for years, until the 'must' to leave every 3-4 weeks for them became too much for me. Done with it. It should be easy. And if possible, also beautiful. But especially if you have growing children, with a busy social life and a busy job or own company, it is difficult to sit or lie in the chair of a beautician every few weeks. That's why I like the massage at home so much, I think. I don't have to leave the house for that.

Do you recognize that? That you would actually like to take better care of yourself, but can't find the time for it? Nina came up with the solution for me, namely eyelash lifting.

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Eyelash lifting for a more beautiful effect with your natural lashes

Nina from Studio Nina van Veluw is a specialist in eyelashes and eyebrows. So I went to her with the idea that I would have eyelash extensions put on. But after an extensive conversation with her, we came to the conclusion that lash lifting might be a much better idea. We come to the choice of eyelash lifting for me because I would like to have a nicer curl in my lashes without it costing a lot of maintenance. Sounds good for all working moms, right? I also want my lashes to stand out a little more, but it doesn't have to be too noticeable. I like a nice big glance and I am already very happy with the effect of my eyelid correction. So it doesn't have to be too much for me.

Read also: look older, accept or do something with it?

What is eyelash lifting?

With eyelash lifting you ensure that your own eyelashes curl more beautifully. If you don't want to or can't wear extensions, then the Elleebana One Shot Lash Lift is a very nice alternative that can be used by many women. It is therefore a treatment for your own eyelashes where no false eyelashes are used. I have fairly long lashes of mine, but they are straight forward. That beautiful curl I have in my hair is not in my eyelashes, too bad but unfortunately 😉 . The eyelash lifting ensures that they are provided with a beautiful natural curl after a treatment of about 50 minutes.

A curl that will not go out in the coming weeks. A lot more convenient than when I was a teenager, where I frantically raged with a curling iron and mascara to get a crushing glance. Now I get up and my eyelashes still have a nice curl, but I still have a very natural look. And that for 4 to 6 weeks, without extra maintenance.

How does an eyelash lift treatment go?

I'm going to try to explain it to you a little bit. First of all, your face will be cleaned, all make-up will be removed and your face will be degreased. Then my lower lashes are taped so that they are not accidentally curled upwards 😉 .

Then the real eyelash lifting can begin. Nina starts laying down silicone rods over which she puts my upper lashes. The treatment consists of two parts. During the first part, the curl of my own eyelash is removed and during the second part of the lash lifting a new curl is introduced, the curl that gives my glance that little bit extra. The stuff that this happens with brings back the smell of the past. It smells a bit like the perm stuff my mom used to use. Fortunately, it is not the same, this emulsion that is used in this treatment has a caring effect for your eyelashes.

Nina is extremely precise during the eyelash lifting and there are 2 'alarm clocks' next to me to keep a close eye on each eye in terms of time. Not too short and not too long, it has to be exactly on the time stated for it. For me, that also reflects Nina's professionalism. She works competently, gives good advice and also thinks along with you.

How long does the curl last with eyelash lifting and what should you pay attention to?

And after 50 minutes my lash lifting is a fact. I am completely happy with my new look and I am advised that I should not let my lashes get wet for the first 24 hours after the lash lift and that I should not use mascara for the first 48 hours. That's all. Furthermore, you don't have to take anything special into account and you can do everything with eyelash lifting. Showering or swimming? No problem at all.

You also read of results that last even longer, but that has everything to do with the growth of your own eyelashes. Your eyelashes go through a growth cycle with 3 stages.

  • Anagen phase; your eyelashes are actively growing
  • Catagen phase; the eyelash stops growing and the hair follicle shrinks
  • Telogen phase; resting phase of the eyelash before it falls out and a new one grows

Normally the growth cycle lasts about 30 days and the 3 stages together 45-90 days. Different per person. This means that you cannot estimate how long you will enjoy your eyelash lift, because once your eyelash has fallen out, the new eyelash has lost its 'lift' and is back in its original shape.

Because your lashes are all in a different phase, you have a natural progression to your own lash shape which does not always need to be filled.

Eyelash lifting or eyelash extensions?

The fact that I don't necessarily have to sit in the chair again in 3-4 weeks for maintenance on my eyelashes is a big advantage for me of eyelash lifting compared to eyelash extensions. If I don't have time, I can also do it at a later time, without being unkempt or 'embarrassed'. I think it's a nice idea.

At the moment I don't use mascara during the day and I still think it looks nice. I do use my eyeliner as standard, which I think I wouldn't have to use anymore if I had eyelash extensions put on. At the weekend, or at a party, I add a little extra to my lashes with some mascara for an even better result.

For now I am very satisfied with my eyelash lift, but I remain curious about eyelash extensions 😉 . So I will definitely go there again. I think it would be really nice to see what that looks like and what the difference is between the two when you put the photos side by side.

Are you also interested in eyelash lifting or extensions? I can heartily recommend Studio Nina van Veluw. Also if you want to have your eyebrows done! As a present she neatly touched up my eyebrows with threading and also gave them a little extra color. Looks a lot better that way, doesn't it? You can really see the difference in the top photo. Apparently you can learn that yourself, but not seen me. You have specialists in it for a reason.

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