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Body shaming, it's a sign of your own insecurity!

Body shaming is quite 'hot', or rather 'not', these days. Just like lines. Because Linda lines, and the Netherlands is full of it. Me too. But not from the lines, more from that bag of M&M's crunchy. And that feels good dude! Nice cold glass of cola with it, delicious!!! Can enjoy it so much. Anyway, I don't do that every week, not even monthly.
I don't die. Well, and you can see that a bit.

Body shaming:a sign of uncertainty?

Last year I did Cambridge for half a year with which I lost a total of 10 kilos. But I'm not really satisfied yet. With 4 kilos more, I am at my weight before the birth of my 3 children. But I was so tired of snack tomatoes!

So with a roll here and there, no tight stomach and a little too full buttocks, I especially shame my own body. But again not! I'm not 20 anymore, so my body doesn't have to be either. I don't have the ambition to measure and count what I eat and how much I exercise every day. Nor the urge to systematically show my body on Instagram. Pride is separate from attention. At least I think so. It is nice to receive compliments, but always seeking confirmation tends to insecurity. Just like the body shaming of others. Because what does it say about you if you focus like that and are negative about someone else? Issues with your own body?

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Ideal of beauty

I have deep respect for full women who are beautiful, graceful, well-groomed and full of self-confidence. Show those curves! I also have respect for the tightly trained women who have the discipline to work so hard for it. I don't have that quality. Just like many women. I don't have the time for it either. My life with 3 young children, my job and a man with a busy job is in itself an assault course. Movement enough! Although it is not really very goal-oriented. So yes, let me just be 'normal' in posture. Is that also possible?

Of course I'm jealous of the women with size 36. But I'll give it to the other one. Just myself too 😉 . I also like a bit of self-mockery, which is sometimes necessary to survive in a world that is focused on appearances. There is another very nice area between obesity and anorexia. Diseases that are repeatedly linked to beauty ideals. And what exactly is an ideal of beauty? Does that exist?

Read also: Can you be yourself or are you afraid of the opinion of others?

Temples of body shaming

Body shaming is everywhere. From social media, the gym, swimming pool to the schoolyard. Mocking others sometimes seems like a sport, especially with celebrities. Everything is put under a magnifying glass. Every pit, pimple, wrinkle, stretch mark or fat line is spotted. Judging without content or knowledge. How busy we are with someone else. Phew!!

Recently I visited the sauna with a friend. For the first time after my third cesarean section and a tough time afterwards. Still unsure of my body, but able to let it go. To literally expose myself. Not thinking about how others might see my body. Because in the end, the vast majority are insecure about his or her body and we all expose ourselves in the sauna. Of course you 'see' a lot of bodies. But no one really pays attention to each other and respects each other. Of course you sometimes think 'shit, what a nice slim body!' and maybe also ' could always be worse...' But luckily we are not all the same. Imagine. That would be boring!

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