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Make your own natural sunscreen

Make your own natural sunscreen quickly and easily. This diy sunscreen consists of natural products that not only protect the skin against harmful UV rays, but have nourishing properties that have a protective effect. Why use harmful ready-made products with chemicals added that only harm your skin? Making your own sunscreen is easy and above all healthy for the skin

Make your own natural sunscreen suitable for every skin type

The sunscreen below can be used safely for all skin types. In addition, the ingredients used are not harmful to small children or the environment (for example when swimming).


5 gr Beeswax

3 gr Cocoa butter

10 gr Lanolin

35 ml sesame oil or pure coconut oil

40 ml distilled water


Come on

Clean bottle or glass jar

Thermometer (for cooking)

Hand mixer

(Cleaning) Alcohol

So you can make your own sunscreen

  1. Melt the beeswax, cocoa butter and lanolin in a boiling water bath (au bain marie)
  2. When the melted fat has become clear, add the sesame or coconut oil and heat to 60°C
  3. Heat the distilled water in a separate pan to 60°C and add the melted fat and mix with the hand mixer on the lowest setting
  4. Keep stirring until the cream has cooled down
  5. Store the cream in a clean jar or bottle that has been disinfected beforehand with some alcohol

Sesame oil

Sesame oil is extracted from the seeds of Sesamum indicum. The oil contains a substance that prevents oxidation and absorbs UV rays. Sesame oil is therefore extremely suitable for making sunscreen. However, the natural protection factor of sesame oil does not protect the skin against extreme amounts of sun radiation. Extensive sunbathing is unhealthy for the skin anyway. By the way:you also get tan in the shade. Make sure you get enough exercise in the sun.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is an all-rounder and is head and shoulders above all vegetable oils. Not only suitable for external use, but also for internal use. Incidentally, the coconut as a whole is an all-rounder that can be used very versatile.

Warning :do NOT use olive oil for this DIY sunscreen. Olive oil on the skin in combination with the heat of the sun acts like cooking oil. The skin tans very quickly and before you know it you look like a roast chicken.


Another word for lanolin is wool grease. This is obtained from the wool of sheep. By washing the wool and letting the water evaporate, fat remains. The lanolin can be used for making creams and ointments yourself.

In the unlikely event that you have suffered a sunburn, natural apple cider vinegar offers a solution. With children you have to be extra careful in the sun. That is why it is imperative that you know the difference between sunburn, heat stroke and heat rash and how best to treat them. Don't feel like making your own? Then choose these variants of natural sunscreen.

*featured image Shutterstock