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Which color suits you best? Do the test

Which color suits you best? Take the test and find out if you are a spring, summer, autumn or winter type. Determine on the basis of your complexion, the color of your eyes and your hair which type you are and which color suits you best. In addition, you will also discover which colors you absolutely should not wear.

Why determine color?

Now you may be wondering why it is so important to determine your color and type. Colors largely determine our appearance and how people react to us. Incidentally, this not only has to do with the color of the clothing, but also the color of make-up, the choice of a different hair color, accessories we wear and the glasses. It can even affect whether you look younger or older than you actually are.

The right color also has an effect on your skin, your eyes and even the lines on your face. Colors can make your skin look duller and duller or give it a calm look. The wrong color can make lines on your face appear more visible and deeper than they really are. Finally, the color of your clothes also affects your eyes. Not only can the color of your eyes become dull, the circles under your eyes can also become darker due to incorrectly chosen colors.

So you can see that it is very important to pay attention to the right color when purchasing new clothing. The right color will deepen your entire radiance, show your skin at its best, make your eyes glow and fade dark circles. Do you want to receive a lot of compliments? Then choose colors that suit you.

What type are you?

In order to determine which colors suit you and which do not, you must first know whether you are a spring, summer, autumn or winter type. The division into the four seasons has been drawn up to facilitate the choice. For each type, there is a certain color palette to match. Your type is determined on the basis of your eye color, the color of your hair and the color of your skin. Of course there are many variations and it is therefore not surprising that different nuances can also be found in the types. Nevertheless, it is useful to sit down and find out everything, so that you always know which type you are and which colors suit you perfectly and which colors you should rather avoid.

Determining the color of your skin

Start by determining the color of your skin. This can be quite tricky, so make sure you do this during the day, with plenty of natural light. Pay particular attention to whether your skin has a slightly yellowish or pink tint. Do you find it difficult to determine the color of your skin on your face? Then look at your wrists. People whose veins are clearly visible have cool skin. If the veins are less visible, it is probably a more yellowish skin.

Determining the eye color

Once you have determined the color of your skin, you look at the color of your eyes. Although there are only four colors of eyes, there are also great nuances in them. Do you have brown, blue, gray or green eyes? Do your eyes always have the same color or do they sometimes change color (this especially happens with people with green eyes)? Are your eyes very dark or very light brown? Do you have blue eyes with a hint of green in them? In general, brown eyes belong to a warm type, while blue eyes belong more to a colder type.

Determining the hair color

When determining hair color, you should start from your natural hair color. You do not only look at whether your hair is blond, brown or black, but also whether it has a matte appearance or a reddish or blond greeting. This again determines the type you are and influences the colors you ultimately have to choose.

What season type are you?

To help you on your way, I show you a number of examples of types and the corresponding colors below. Would you like to see more examples? Then take a look at Cardigan Empire where there are many more types with the matching colors.

Spring type

As a spring type you have golden blond to light reddish hair. This is usually combined with (gray) blue, light brown or green eyes. Are you a spring type? Then you have light skin, with a warm undertone. You often see that spring types also have freckles. Unfortunately, you don't tan quickly and when you tan you tend to burn faster than other types. Are you in doubt? Then check out Michelle Pfeiffer, Heidi Klum and Nicole Kidman. They are all spring type.

Summer type

As a summer type, you usually have (light) blond hair, sometimes with a cool undertone. Do you have white blond to ash blond hair? Then you are a summer type. The skin is light and has a cool undertone. You often see a fresh blush on the cheeks with summer types. Just like spring types, you don't tan easily or you burn very quickly. If you have bright blue eyes, maybe something gray or green, then you are definitely a summer type. Well-known summer types include Claudia Shiffer, Cameron Diaz and Sharon Stone.

Autumn type

Autumn types can be recognized by the dark blond to chocolate brown hair color. Sometimes the hair has a golden or copper glow that provides warmth. The eye color is often (light) brown, hazelnut or green. The skin color of autumn types is light to beige, sometimes with some freckles. Also as an autumn type you do not tan quickly. Do you have a tan? Then you will keep the color for a long time, so that's a nice bonus. Curious which celebrities are an autumn type? These include:Jessica Alba, Jennifer Lopez and Julia Roberts.

Winter type

As a winter type, you have pale or slightly tinted skin that stands out because of a cool blue undertone. In most cases, winter types do not have freckles. If you are a winter type, your hair is dark brown to black (without a red glow) and that all fits perfectly with the overall picture in which cool undertones predominate. The difference between the hair color that is dark and the skin that is light is very big. Notable people who are a winter type include:Oprah Winfrey, Lucy Liu and Demi Moore.

12 Different types with matching colors

Above you can see the well-known classification, where you are classified in one season in terms of colors. Of course it is not the case that you fit tightly into a box. What if you just fall between two stools with the above tests. It's just not the one, but not the other season either. Fortunately, a solution has also been found for this. The above test has now been expanded with the option for:dark, light, warm, cool, clear and soft. In total you then arrive at 12 different options, whereby the nuances are often not that great at all and form a happy medium.

Below I will elaborate on the different nuances.

Light :You can be a light summer or light spring type. Your hair color is light (blonde or light brown), your skin is light (based on your ethnicity), and you have light blue, green, or gray eyes. Do you recognize yourself in this? Then the light colors from the color palette suit you best. Choose peach (spring) or a light lavender color from the summer color palette.

Dark :you can be either dark autumn or dark winter. If you fall into this category, you have dark brown or real black hair combined with dark brown, green or hazel eyes. Dark, vibrant colors look best on you. For example, choose dark terracotta (autumn) or black (winter).

Warm :You can be a warm type for spring or fall. Do you have a warm undertone in general? Is your hair golden blond to brown or light reddish to deep red? Do you have green eyes, topaz, hazel or even medium brown eyes? Then it is best to choose the golden mean when it comes to color palettes. Do not opt ​​for too flashy or too pale colors. Colors such as medium tomato red (autumn) and light aquamarine (spring) look great on you.

Cool :Here the contrast is very large. You can be a cool summer or a cool winter type. It does not matter whether you have a light or dark skin or hair color, it is important that your general appearance has a cool appearance. Just like the warm types, colors in the middle range suit you best. Take a look and choose for example emerald green (winter) or blue violet (summer).

Clear :You are either a clear winter or a clear spring type. Your colors and general appearance are in stark contrast to each other. Your hair is medium brown to black or strikingly light blond. Your eyes are blue, light green, topaz, amber or turquoise. It is precisely these opposites that make you have to wear bright, clear colors. Think of colors such as bright warm pink (spring) or deep pink (winter).

Soft :as far as soft is concerned, you can be a soft summer or soft autumn type. There is little contrast between your skin, hair and eyes. Your complete appearance can be called almost neutral. Your hair is not really light, but certainly not dark either. Your eyes are green, gray-blue, hazel or brown. The colors that suit you best are soft, slightly muted tones such as olive green (autumn) or blue green (summer)

12 Colors and Season Types

Are you curious about which color and season type you fall under? Then read on quickly. The aforementioned four seasons are further explored below.

Spring types

1. Warm spring types

Warm spring is also known as pure spring or pure spring. The colors that suit you best are primarily warm. In addition, light and bright colors suit you perfectly. You are clearly a spring type, without leaning towards another season.

2. Bright spring type

If you are a bright spring type, then you are actually a bit neutral and lean a bit towards the winter type. Clarity is of great importance to you. You should choose bright, clear colors, which can also be called fairly warm. A little less pronounced than the warm spring type discussed above. The colors vary widely and there is even black in the color panel. However, it is better not to wear black directly under the face. If you opt for black pants or shoes, that's no problem at all.

3. Light spring type

Then you also have the light spring type. This is also a neutral type that leans towards summer. The most striking is 'light', which also determines the colors. The colors should not only be light, but also quite warm.

Summer types

1. Cool summer

It will not surprise you that the colors for this type are mainly cool at first. The colors are also muted and especially not too dark. You are clearly a summer type without tending to another season.

2. Soft summer

This is a neutral type, a golden mean between warm and cool actually. This summer type tends a bit towards autumn. The main feature is muted combined with cool. Opt for colors that are a bit neutral. Bright colors will not suit you and ensure that you are overshadowed by the colors of your outfit.

3. Light summer

As the name implies, light is most important to you. Since you're basically neutral, you tend to spring a bit and fall right in the middle of both types in terms of colors. The colors are not only light, but also cool, but not as cool as the cool summer types.

Autumn types

1. Warm autumn

For you, it's all about free dark, muted and warm colors. Would you prefer a lighter color? Then combine this with a dark color over it. Think of a salmon-colored blouse in combination with a brown blazer. In this case, muted means that the colors have a bit of gray or brown undertones. You are purely an autumn type and do not tend to other seasons.

2. Soft autumn

If you fall under the soft autumn type, then you are neutral with a tendency towards summer. Again, muted colors are a must for you. The colors are predominantly warm, but less warm than the warm autumn described above. Bright colors are a no go for you and will overshadow you.

3. Dark Autumn

This is also a neutral type with not exactly very pronounced colors and a slight tendency towards winter type. As the name suggests, dark is the keyword for you. Do you still want to wear a light color? Then you should absolutely combine it with a dark color to make it a bit warmer. Please note that your colors are not as pronounced warm as the warm autumn type.

Winter types

1. Cool winter

If you are a cool winter type, cool colors suit you best. You don't tend to other color types, which makes it easier to pick the best colors. The colors are not only cool, but also bright and run from light to dark, giving you plenty of choice.

2. Dark winter

If you belong to the dark winter type, you are neutral and you should opt for predominantly dark colors. Of course you can also wear light colors, but you should preferably combine these with dark colors. Please note that these colors are dark, but differ from the cool winter type.

3. Clear winter type

This type of winter tends to spring and is predominantly neutral. Bright colors are a must. For the clear winter type, the colors run from light to dark. Keep in mind that the colors are slightly less pronounced than the cool winter type.

Which color suits you best? Take the test

Once you know what type you are, you can move on to see which colors really suit you. As you can see, the above signs have suggestions of colors that suit you and colors that you should avoid. Now the task is to work with this science and sort out your wardrobe.

It is very important that you do not wear make-up in order to steer the selection in the right direction. After all, makeup affects colors and that's the last thing you want right now. In addition, good light is of paramount importance. Artificial light, wrong light, it can all ensure that the colors do not show their full potential. So ensure good daylight, without too much shade.

To do this, pick up clothes that should fit you according to the schedule and put them in a pile. Place colors that do not suit you according to the scheme in another pile. Now you start to see per item of clothing whether it actually suits you or not.

Keep the items of clothing from the pile that should fit you according to the above schedule in front of you (preferably below your neck) and pay attention to the following points:

  • Let the color make your skin shine or not
  • Lighten up your skin or not
  • Do irregularities become more visible or does your skin get a matte appearance
  • Do your eyes seem brighter
  • The colors of your clothes dominate, so that the attention goes to your clothes instead of you

Go through your entire wardrobe in this way and keep only the clothes that really suit you and underline your appearance instead of dominating. In any case, make sure that your basic wardrobe items that every woman should have in the closet completely match your type. Are you ever busy sorting out your wardrobe? So make sure that you have a neat wardrobe when you tidy up. That way you kill two birds with one stone:you only have clothes that suit you and the wardrobe is well-arranged and neatly arranged. style and color advice

Are you unsure about which style and which colors suit you? Then I can wholeheartedly recommend Maame from A while ago she gave me personal advice about which colors suit me (and which do not), what suits my figure (first figure analysis) and what I can do to look less short (I am only 1.60 meters). On the basis of this I can look for clothes and colors that suit me. Maame not only has a good eye for business, she is also a very pleasant woman who is easy to chat with. Highly recommended.

Do you know what type you are? And did you already know the different nuances in it?

*Featured image from Shutterstock