Of course exercise helps to get your body in shape, but loving your body is mainly in your mindset. Fortunately, you can also change your mindset yourself.
A UK survey shows that 60 percent of women feel uncomfortable about her naked body. 40 percent even avoid full-length mirrors when naked.
A matter of self confidence
The survey numbers already show it. A lot of women are insecure about their bodies and almost all of us have something that we don't like. More than a third of the women who completed the survey admitted that her body is not wrong at all, but that she lacks self-confidence.
Work on it Your confidence won't grow overnight, but you can work on it. We have listed six tips for you. Do you have any other good tips for working on your confidence? Leave a comment.
1. Focus on your strengths
Making a list of things you don't like about yourself is usually done in no time. Just try to list the beautiful things. Everyone has pluses; a full head of hair, a slim waist, very long legs. Emphasize your good points by using the right clothing or make-up.
2. Don't compare yourself to others
Comparing yourself to others is pointless. Everyone is unique. Plus, tastes differ. You think you have a funny pug nose, others would describe it as a cute nose.
3. Don't think for others
'They must think I'm ugly.' No, you don't know that at all! Maybe they wonder where you bought that nice jacket. And maybe he doesn't think at all. Some people are way too busy with themselves and really don't care that much about what you do, wear and how you look.
4. Receive compliments
We often reject compliments or immediately add something negative about ourselves. Stop this! Someone gives you a compliment, if they don't mean it, they wouldn't have said or said anything. Next time you will receive the compliment with a smile.
5. Think about what you do have
Unfortunately, you can't have everything. Your stomach may not be as tight as it used to be, but you do have the sweetest kids. Or you have a large scar on your stomach, but your health has improved thanks to that operation.
6. Sports
Exercise can make you love your body more. Think of the triumph when you break your personal best. Yoga, ballet or Pilates can improve your posture and a self-defense course can boost your confidence.