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Why don't we try body fish?

The principle

We dive into a bath filled with small fish, the Garra Rufa, straight from Turkey, able to nibble our dead skin with microsuction (phew, they have no teeth!). It already existed in a pedicure version, here it is for the whole body!

Imposed hygiene

When you arrive, you get inspected, naked from head to toe, by a beautician. A nasty mycosis, a wart, an open wound? We can go get dressed, hygiene requires. Because the bath water is filtered, but not changed each time. If everything is OK, we go in the shower with a disinfectant product (virucidal, fungicidal, bactericidal). Then we can go!

The feelings. We go into the bath (about 30°C, in a bathing suit a bit too small (provided for hygiene reasons)… This prevents a Garra Rufa from getting lost where we don't want to.


They are the same as during a hot tub:mini-vibrations on the skin, or bubbles that burst. Quite pleasant in terms of relaxation and, in addition, you come out exfoliated everywhere!

From €49 for 30 mins, to €89 per hour at Rufafish