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Wednesday's question:how do I get rid of my acne scars?

Can we delete them?

What scars? The hollow ones (called "ice pick") and the reddest ones.

Which techniques? Practiced by the dermatologist and equivalent in terms of effectiveness, there are two:the laser and the "medium" peeling with trichloroacetic acid. By eliminating the superficial layer of the dermis, they renew and smooth the epidermis. If you are under anti-acne treatment (Roaccutane type), stop the treatment at least 4 months before, otherwise healing will be hindered.

The result? A much prettier skin texture, even if... There is no baby skin.

Is it painful? For peeling, a burning sensation (bearable). In small doses, the laser tingles. For the treatment of the entire face, we are (still) under general anesthesia.

What are the risks? Excessively deep peeling can burn the skin. For both treatments, there is a risk of a hypertrophic (raised) scar.

Number of sessions and price:One session for the laser (from 80 to 190 euros depending on the area treated), 3 to 4 sessions for the peeling (around 200 euros per session depending on the practitioner).

To know:we stay in hideout because of big redness (10 days for the laser, 4 to 5 days with a peeling).

And camouflage them, is it possible?

Which scars? The lightest or those that have not yet stabilized (it takes several months).

Which products?Corrective foundations, rich in pigments, in light textures (liquid or compact), which do not load.

What gesture? We heat a dab of foundation on the back of the hand then we tap the material with the finger on the hollow to fill it, without leaving any demarcation. For more marked lesions, use a yellow corrector to apply locally after the foundation.

To avoid:take a shade darker or lighter than the skin, put on tons (otherwise you show everything you want to hide).