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SOS pimples, how to get rid of them?

Rule number one:pamper your skin

When the skin is weakened and neglected, it is not uncommon to see blackheads and other rather unsightly comedones appear. The first response to these small inconveniences is to take care of your skin on a regular basis. The basic rules are the same for all skin types (pimples are not the prerogative of oily skin). Take care to remove make-up from your skin every night (even if you don't wear make-up), using a gentle lotion, to be chosen according to your skin (a micellar water or a lotion for hypersensitive skin, for example) . This will eliminate excess sebum and especially the impurities accumulated during the day (pollution, dust, etc.). Then, obligatory passage:the moisturizer, also chosen according to the nature of your skin. If you have time or if you wear makeup, repeat the process in the morning. In addition, once a week, opt for a gentle exfoliation and a mask (with pink clay for example).

Managing the crisis

Despite all your care, this morning you discovered a new pimple on your chin. Do not panic ! The first advice is not to touch it, even if, let's face it, it's very tempting. Only one exception:you can pierce it once the sebum has dried, using cotton swabs (for homogeneous and hygienic pressure), otherwise beware of scars! There are many so-called miracle recipes to make a pimple disappear in the blink of an eye, but you have to know how to sort them out. Generally, whether they are based on vinegar, toothpaste or sea salt, they have the same purpose:to dry out the pimple, which can be a one-time solution, but not systematic at the risk of dehydrating the epidermis. While waiting for it to mature and fade away, you can camouflage it with a green tint to counteract the redness and a bit of foundation to even out. We must not forget that the quality of the skin is worked on upstream. Food, sleep, lifestyle, but also moral well-being are all factors that influence your complexion!