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How to get rid of bad fats?

Get rid of bad ones

fats in a few lessons

We firmly believe that the beauty of the body also goes through our plate. This is the reason why you will always find a gourmet and quality product in our boxes. Our body often accumulates a whole bunch of bad fats that end up stiffening us, creating discomfort and a loss of self-confidence.

Luckily, nature is bountiful in fat burning and detox foods that we're going to share with you to help you feel good about yourself again and restore your health.

A plate burns fat and detoxes

To find a balance, you must not try to restrict yourself, it would be the worst decision. You have to respect the calorie intake you need, but with the right ones. Of course, it is important to vary your diet to provide you with all the vitamins, trace elements and minerals useful to your body. However, certain foods are to be preferred when doing a detox because they are real cleansers:

  • Oilseeds almond and natural walnuts are a wonderful source of magnesium, calcium and omega 3. Consume a small handful per day (about 6-7) to calm a little hunger before noon for example.

  • The apple is a non-negligible source of fiber, vitamin C contains pectin which allows you to retain some of the fat you consume. If you can, buy your apples in an organic store, so you can eat the skin without worrying about pesticides.

  • Studies have shown that cinnamon had a positive effect in lowering blood sugar levels. This is a fat-burning food size that will prevent fats from turning into sugars. If you are a fan of smoothies, now is the time to add a small teaspoon. You can also mix it with your yogurt or your cereals.

  • The courgettes are super satiating and very rich in vitamins A and C. It is also a good source of water if you drink little during the day. It is really low in calories (about 33 colors for a 196 g zucchini), which makes it a slimming ally for your detox. You can prepare it cooked or raw. Yes yes, believe us, it is also very good when it is finely cut and seasoned.

  • Nature is full of fat burning foods, but we cannot end this article without telling you about the benefits of lemon ! It boosts your body, because it is packed with vitamin C like most citrus fruits except that it cleans up and slows down the absorption of fats and consequently regulates blood sugar levels.
