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Body:how to get rid of body hair for good?

Oh, the hairs! These residues of evolution are the remnants of a time when they had their uses… first and foremost, to warm us up. Today, not all of them are essential and most of the time women get rid of them, whether at home, at the beautician or at the doctor (for a permanent result, with pulsed light or laser ). Because, even without mentioning those under the arms or on the legs, some of these hairs really put us to shame:on the face and on certain areas of the body such as the breasts, the intergluteal groove, the lower back or the stomach . The problem? They are often linked to the production of hormones. Clearly, depilating them using an unsuitable method risks stimulating growth. Rest assured:you can still get rid of it easily, and for a long time! Body hair is said to be “ambosexual”, that is to say that it appears in women and men. Those who disturb are most often hormone-dependent, a sign of a slight imbalance between female and male hormones, which is why they do not appear in the same way in all women. The instruction remains the same as for the face:if possible, do not touch it when you are at the down stage, at the risk of seeing even more appear.

The areola of the breast

The hair under the magnifying glass. Areola hairs, very fine and almost transparent, are common in women. They are usually not very numerous, about twenty. In question ? A slight hormonal imbalance or just a genetic predisposition. We absolutely avoid the use of tweezers at the risk of stimulating the area, therefore seeing more hair appear, and making them pigmented and thick.

Depilation operation. To get rid of it, the doctor develops a laser protocol, with one session per month for eight to twelve months. If there are still stubborn hairs, the finishes are done with electric hair removal.

The butt parting

The hair under the magnifying glass. Let it be said:everyone has hair at the level of the intergluteal sulcus. Originally, they were used to diffuse pheromones, the odorous hormones of sexual desire, between human beings. Since you no longer sniff your behind and wear (normally!) underwear and clothes, they are no longer of much use!

Depilation operation. If we stick to the anal margin, just around the anus, we can consider waxing without fear of stimulating growth (and it hurts much less than the bikini line). Except that… if the wax touches the down of the buttocks, there is a risk of transforming it into intermediate hair. We therefore recommend a laser session every six weeks, for nine months to a year.

The line under the navel

The hair under the magnifying glass. Belly hair is initially down, most often located only below the navel, in an area also called the "umbilical line". As she is very sensitive, waxing stimulates her:you end up with thicker hair, which can even go up above the navel.

Depilation operation. If we only have one down, we bleach it with cream. For a long-term result, five to six laser sessions are usually enough.

The lower back

The hair under the magnifying glass. The area, once again hormone-dependent, hosts down that turns into intermediate hairs with waxing.

Depilation operation. Good news:this area can be treated very easily with a laser. Generally, five to six sessions spread over a year are enough to eliminate hair for a long time.

Thank you to Dr Catherine de Goursac, aesthetic doctor, author of T’as bonne mine ce matin! , Ed. Josette Lyon.