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The 8 reflexes to adopt when faced with an acne pimple

The 8 reflexes to adopt when faced with an acne pimple

Acne occurs more in people who are in their prime. It is a condition that is generally characterized by a sudden appearance of pimples on the face. It is caused by a malfunction of both testosterone and progesterone. Fairly easy to treat, it does not necessarily require medical intervention, except in very serious cases. In addition to natural remedies, these 8 good practices help you reduce or even eliminate the rash.

Eradicate acne with a good diet

A priori, there are no diets specific to the suppression of acne. However, some organisms are more susceptible than others. The only solution that holds is to listen to your body. Either way, a digestion problem always impacts the health of the skin.

Doing a short-term detox is useful in some cases. Prefer artichoke, black radish, lemon juice and spring water for this.

Scrubs are not always a solution

If your acne presents as white or red pimples, you need to skip scrubs for a while. On the other hand, if you are dealing with acne of the microcystic type, it is better to plan ahead.

Choose the right care

Some processes are more likely to make the problem worse. Among other things, facial cleansing that does not follow the rules of the art must be banned during the period when the pimples explode. This concerns both the cosmetic products and the technique used. The best is to call on a dermatologist who is better able to offer the right treatment.

Take advantage of the heat

We are talking about the heat of the hammam and not the sun which tends to further clog the pores in the presence of acne. Indeed, the perspiration caused by this particular bath facilitates the removal of toxins that trigger pimples.

Nothing better than green tea

The draining virtue of green tea is beneficial for acne-prone skin. Being a moisturizing substance, it is suitable for all skin types, ranging from the most sensitive to the driest. In addition, it can be consumed regularly.

Eat healthy

Just like tea, fruits and vegetables are infallible allies in the fight against this condition. Prefer raw foods because of their low glycemic index. Also, those high in vitamin C are the best.

Zinc is the enemy of pimples

Zinc eliminates bad bacteria and slows down the inflammation of pimples. By eating seafood and red meat at least once a week, you prevent acne from causing redness.

Know how to use oils

Use oils wisely to clear your acne. If direct application is not very advisable, using them as a cure is a great idea. Among other things, dietary supplements based on evening primrose oil have proven themselves well.