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#FreeThePimple:the hashtag to come to terms with your acne

Social networks are often associated with perfection and an impeccable appearance. But that is about to change! Facebook and Instagram are slowly moving away from this image! These users yearn for normality! They call for body positivity and the understanding that cellulite, stretch marks and body hair are normal.

After the no make-up displayed on the red carpet by Drew Barrymore or even Rihanna's unshaved legs, it's Louisa Northcote's turn to launch a new hashtag #FreeThePimple which follows the bodypositive movement.

The model suffers from acne and knows how difficult this skin condition can be. Since the age of 16, she has struggled with her imperfections, seen dozens of doctors and undergone several treatments. She has also completely changed her diet but so far nothing has worked! What she wants now is for acne to be accepted in the same way as stretch marks or exposed nipples.

“I suffer from acne” , she said in an Instagram post. "I think that means I'm not perfect, but so be it. For years I tried with makeup to hide my pimples, which even influenced my daily life and my mental health. Now I try to embrace my skin as it is. It's just part of who I am. »

Another of his goals? Achieve better representation of models with acne in magazines, on posters and on the catwalks. That's all we want!

Hundreds of women and men around the world followed his example and shared a selfie with the hashtag #freethepimple. "When I was young, I didn't have many people around me with whom I could talk about my acne" , she told the online magazine iD. “But with this hashtag, I managed to build my own community. »

Even the seemingly flawless personalities struggle with skin issues. It's hard to believe but this is the case for Victoria Beckham, Cameron Diaz, Bella Thorne, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus or even Kendall Jenner. Each has its miracle products against acne. Here, it is divided into two camps, those who change their diet and those who have special diets for the skin like Victoria Beckham who swears only by salmon, or even Cameron Diaz, who tries somehow to do without all kinds of junk food. Rihanna, meanwhile, is all about water. Each has its own method and small imperfections.

Basically, we're all in the same boat. It's time to #FreeThePimple, girls!