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Migraine Poses:The New Selfie Trend That's Not For Everyone

Kendall Jenner, Gigi and Bella Hadid or Beyonce have adopted the "migraine pose" for several months and thus trivialize a neurological disorder that affects approximately 12% of the world's population! A photogenic positioning which consists of placing your fingers or your palm against your temple with a look that is more sensual than painful. As if you had a headache!

But last week the phenomenon caught the eye after celebrity makeup artist Nam Vo revealed the benefits of this supposedly flattering pose:face-tightening, cheekbones and manicure. “I like it because the beauty of the hands framing the face gives it more structure. I always have my models pose this way” , she told Elle magazine.

This was followed by chain reactions from migraine sufferers. They responded by posting photos of their #TrueMigrainePoses, along with descriptions of how the pain impacts their daily lives. “Chronic pain is not glamorous” , comments a user. "Oh yes, I really have time to strike this pose while my migraine feels like someone is stabbing my brain" , irone a surfer.

Some have even renamed it a “disease of shame”. "What's the next...cancer pose?" Parkinson's Pose? Laying of diabetes? Laying heart disease? Laying lupus? » , added a twittos.

Faced with this, the make-up artist made her mea-culpa by apologizing on Instagram! "My apologies, that wasn't meant to be offensive or hurt anyone's feelings. I am touched by the personal stories you have shared. I want you all to be happy and healthy! »

Indeed, that's the only thing that matters!