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Adult Acne

Adult Acne

Although acne is known as a skin condition that mainly occurs during puberty, many adults also suffer from it. What can you do about this skin problem?

Pharmacist Marjan Terpstra: Acne vulgaris often starts during puberty, when the production of sebum and skin cells increases. The composition of the bacteria on the skin also changes. The pores become clogged due to the excess of sebum and skin cells; the drainage of sebum is impeded and comedomas (blackheads) develop. If the exit of the pore is blocked, a black comedoma is formed. If the blockages are lower, white comedomas form.

Acne can get worse if you use products with mineral oils and fats. A humid, warm environment also adversely affects the skin condition. A lot of skin picking is also bad for acne skin. Opinions are divided about the influence of eating pork and chocolate. One will suffer (extra) from this, the other will not. But if your skin reacts strongly to pork, you often have to be careful with chocolate.

Acne can be treated with various medicines. Keratolytic agents reduce the production of horny cells and promote their release. Benzoyl peroxide (gel) has this effect and is also anti-inflammatory. In lighter forms, resorcinol and salicylic acid can help; they have a kind of peeling effect. Does your acne bother you? Then don't hesitate to visit your doctor.'

Source:archive – Image:Shutterstock