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my hair in autumn

Autumn is coming... And like the leaves on the trees, our hair falls and tumbles. They cling to our brush and fill the shower drain. Admittedly, I exaggerate. But our hair and fall is quite a story. To understand the phenomenon of hair loss, we invite you to discover the nature of hair and how to take care of it!

What is hair?

Our hair is part of the hair system. They originate in the pilosebaceous follicle, inside the dermis. They are part of the hairs that are called "terminal", "mature", because they are pigmented, thick, and long. The lifespan of the hair is between 2 and 7 years. The growth is on average about 1 cm per month.

This growth takes place in 3 stages:

• Hair grows over about 3 years. It is the anagen.

• Growth stops with a rupture of the "bulb-papilla" connection; this stage lasts about 3 weeks, this is the catagen stage.

• The dead hair is removed. This stage lasts about 3 months, it's telogen.

Hair loss, why?

There are several causes of hair loss. The most common is called telogen effluvium . This is temporary hair loss.

This loss depends on several factors:

• Age,

• The nature of the hair,

• Drying and/or aggressive hairstyles (eg rubbing with a cotton towel, hair dryer, buns., ponytail..)

• Seasons (autumn and spring have the greatest hair loss). And yes, that's what we're talking about today!

• Fatigue and/or deficiencies

• During hormonal changes (end of pregnancy, menopause, change of pill).

• When taking certain medications

• When under stress…

It is normal to lose up to 100 hairs a day. If you lose more, we recommend that you go for a consultation. As well as the seasonal fall should not last longer than 3 months.

How to avoid falling?

To prevent or stop hair loss,

there are different solutions:

• You can use anti-hair loss treatments and very gentle hair products such as cold shampoo bars accompanied by a revitalizing and soothing mask for the scalp. Remember to massage your scalp, see to make him some scrubs! For healthy looking hair, we recommend our dream hair organic box.

• Do not be aggressive:do not multiply too tight brushings and hairstyles.

• Use appropriate hair accessories and microfiber towels.

• Remember to vary your diet. Indeed, the health of our hair depends as much on the care as on the plate. Some rich foods are as beneficial to our body as to our hair. For healthy hair, consider including in your menus:wheat germ, dark chocolate, legumes, oils (olive, flax, nuts...), almonds, spirulina, soy protein ...

• Take Vitamins:Your hair's primary vitamin and trace mineral needs are vitamin B12 and iron. You can also favor foods and food supplements rich in vitamins A, E, F and B, fatty acids and other trace elements such as copper and magnesium.

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Lilith's World