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Oily skin, dry skin… Advice for beautiful skin

Know your skin type to have beautiful skin

It may seem obvious, but it is sometimes useful to remember it:if you have oily skin, you should avoid choosing a moisturizer for dry skin. Admittedly, oily skin needs to be hydrated daily to avoid the rebound effect:stripped by scrubbing care, it will produce even more sebum in reaction. Instead, choose a treatment for dehydrated skin (after a sunburn, for example), or even better, a mattifying moisturizer to have beautiful matte skin. Once you know your skin and its needs, it is much easier to treat it. For example, when you have sensitive skin, you absolutely avoid make-up removers that are too perfumed, formulas that contain sodium laureth sulfate or even non-hydrated alcohol.

I have oily skin:what can I do to avoid pimples?

The fear of oily skin:imperfections! Indeed, this type of skin, which produces excessive amounts of sebum, tends to show pimples regularly. First reflex to have a beautiful skin:wash your hands regularly, and avoid touching your face. If you crush a pimple (not well), remember to disinfect the skin before and after. To avoid the appearance of pimples on a daily basis, remove your make-up perfectly in the evening, with the formula of your choice (foam, milk, gel, micellar water). People with oily skin generally like gel textures, which leave a pleasant feeling of freshness on the skin. The good idea to avoid shine:finish removing make-up with a tonic that tightens pores. Follower of the natural, try aloe vera in pure gel or even jojoba oil, very close to natural sebum. Once a week or more often (but not every day), apply a special face mask for oily skin, coupled with a scrub if you have time. We think about reviewing our contraception, which may not be suitable for our skin type. Unless contraindicated, we try brewer's yeast capsules to regulate inflammation.

The secrets to having beautiful skin

To have beautiful skin, it is important to adopt a healthy routine for the skin. Excesses of all kinds (lack of sleep, poor diet, tobacco, alcohol) have harmful effects on the quality of the skin, which reacts expressly. Hormonal assessment, aromatherapy, skin cleansing by a specialist:put the odds on your side! Also remember to check the air quality in your home or office:very dry air can be the cause of a dull complexion and oily skin.