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4 solutions for dry feet

4 solutions for dry feet

Dry feet are very annoying, especially when it's time for flip flops and sandals! With these 4 solutions you can get rid of it in no time!

1. Apply special foot cream

If you have dry feet, the skin on your feet simply does not contain enough moisture. This can cause fissures (usually on your heels) and painful cracks, which can even bleed. There are no sebaceous glands on the skin of your feet and hands, so the skin dries out faster. A moisturizing foot cream has a soothing effect.

How to do it:

Choose a mild foot cream, preferably without perfume. An effective substance in many foot ointments is urea (also called urea). This is a naturally occurring substance that is normally found on the top layer of your skin. This fabric ensures that your skin can absorb moisture better. Put on cotton socks after application, so that the cream can absorb for a long time. Also check the soap you use. Soaps with aggressive substances can dry out and irritate your skin.

Read also: Step-by-step plan for beautiful feet

2. Check your shoes

Dry feet can also be caused by prolonged standing, certain medications, old age, eczema or the wrong shoes. Excessive heat is created in shoes that are too small or closed with poor ventilation, causing your feet to lose moisture.

How to do it:

Make sure that your toes are not clamped and preferably choose shoes made of moisture-permeable material, such as leather. It is best to change shoes every day so that they can air and dry. Insoles can change the way you walk. Consult with your doctor or pedicurist whether it is good to try it.

3. Use heel protectors

It is quite difficult to heal fissures in your heel if you walk regularly. Heel protectors prevent friction and can therefore accelerate the healing of fissures.

How to do it:

Heel protectors can be worn both at night and during the day. They ensure that the pressure is better distributed and prevent the development of new fissures.

4. Give your feet a pedicure

If you suffer from dry feet for a long time, dead skin cells will accumulate and an excess of calluses will develop. Cracked heels will not heal if excess calluses are not removed. Then give your feet a pedicure to make them soft again.

How to do it:

Make a foot bath with lukewarm water to soften your skin. Add bath oil if necessary. Then gently scrub your feet and dry them well. Excess calluses can be removed with a pumice stone or foot file. Make sure you don't remove too much:your feet need a little bit of callus as a protective layer.