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A sexy body in winter #1

1/ Make your perfume pulse

Desire. Pschitter the perfume right on the area where it goes "boom".

Acting out. As Coco Chanel said, you have to wear perfume “where you want to be kissed”. We therefore spray the juice on the pulse points (this is where the pulse beats that the fragrance emerges):the wrists, the neck, the bend of the elbow, in the hollow of the breasts… We can also spray it in the hair, so darling can feel it when he runs his hand through it. If you want to strengthen and support the fragrance all day long, use a scented treatment, which you choose from the same line. Or not.

2/ Adopt a dancer's arch

Desire. Bet on the right posture to be able to play the femme fatale.

Acting out. We highlight our assets (generous chest, well-defined hips…) by stealing the secret of the girls from Crazy Horse Paris, the arch. In the bedroom (at the coffee machine, on the bus, in the street…) we stand up straight, we tilt the pelvis back, and we stick out our buttocks and breasts with pride. Lying on your back? Stand on your forearms to highlight your chest and stretch your stomach.

3/ Regain pulpy skin

Desire. Say goodbye to croc skin.

Acting out. The body is less exposed to wind and cold than the face, but the skin still suffers and dries out more in winter (friction with clothing, freezing temperatures, etc.). There, ban on skipping the hydration step (even if you are not diligent the rest of the year). We choose a very rich cream or, if we are lazy (it happens), a nourishing oil to use after the gel just before drying off. We also think of exfoliating the skin once a week. To prevent skin dryness, swap your shower gel for a surgras treatment or a cleansing oil. Do you want soft skin like a milk roll? We massage it still wet after the shower, with lukewarm oil and we wrap ourselves in a warm bathrobe. Graouuu!