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Cosmetics for pregnant women:what precautions to take?

The pregnancy , although it is a great moment of happiness for future parents, it can also be a time of anxiety and questioning. In addition to the material preparation of the house, the new organization to be put in place and the questions of education, the future mother finds herself without too much information on what she can eat and use as beauty products... Yes , food and cosmetics are two relatively important poles during pregnancy. Although some future mothers do not want to pay attention to it, for others these two subjects become their hobbyhorse!

So to help you see more clearly about self-care during pregnancy, we give you the precautions to take, the cosmetics suitable for pregnant women and we explain why organic is the best alternative!

And to allow expectant mothers to discover our cosmetics adapted to pregnant women, the NUOO team offers you a 5€ reduction for any order of a minimum amount of 65€ with the promo code CONSEILBEAUTE1 !

What beauty products should you use when you're pregnant?

Cosmetics for pregnant women:what precautions to take?

Information and opinions on the subject differ so much that it can sometimes be difficult to know exactly which ingredients to put aside ... To make your life easier, you should already know that you are turning to organic brands and beauty products for organic pregnant women allows you to sweep away a fair amount of junk products !

Why use organic care during pregnancy?

Whether with cosmetics for pregnant women or with cosmetics for babies , the organic guarantees you quality products. Softer for the fragile skin of toddlers, they are also recommended for women during pregnancy .

Organic beauty products are free from several components considered dangerous for the skin and health. Among them are the famous endocrine disruptors :BHA, triclosan, salicylic acid, mineral oils, titanium dioxide, etc. Unfortunately, this list of ingredients is not exhaustive and the more the years pass, the more scientists discover new ingredients potentially dangerous to health... The problem? These ingredients are present in all conventional products:food, maintenance, cosmetics! By dint of using this type of product, we are dealing with what is called "the cocktail effect ". Although its name is rather nice, this effect does not indicate anything good since it implies that the body is subjected to several disturbing substances at the same time...

It is because of this cocktail effect that it is very important for pregnant women to be extra vigilant with regard to their beauty products, their diet and also the cleaning products they use.

What are the risks with endocrine disruptors?

Endocrine disruptors are ingredients (synthetic or natural) that have the power to mimic, modify, or interfere with the functioning of hormones in the human body. However, during pregnancy these are the hormones of the future mother which allow the embryo to develop correctly to become a fetus and then a baby! For the pregnancy to proceed correctly, it is therefore important to take a careful look at what you ingest and what you put on your skin. In her book "My anti-endocrine disruptor bible", Patricia Riveccio reveals that about half of unborn babies are exposed to endocrine disruptors present in the cosmetics that their future mother applies... A little scary no ?

To avoid exposing babies to these substances considered dangerous for their development, future parents are strongly advised to turn to organic for them first, then for their future child in a second! Subject to strict charters and regular checks, certified organic products are a guarantee of safety for the future mother and her baby .

Cosmetics for pregnant women:what precautions to take?

Are essential oils dangerous for pregnant women?

Essential oils during pregnancy is a subject that has caused a lot of ink to flow on the internet! But despite the dozens of articles available, it remains difficult to find a clear list that stipulates the essential oils to avoid during pregnancy and which ones to use. One thing remains sure and certain:during pregnancy no self-medication should be done! Each medicine used, natural or not, must be prescribed and advised by a health professional. Ask your midwife, doctor, pharmacist or toxicologist for more information!

Essential oils are often criticized during pregnancy because they are very powerful 100% natural active ingredients that penetrate the skin. By penetrating the skin barrier, they are found in the blood and can act as endocrine disruptors and modify the proper functioning of the body. Even if no scientific study on essential oils exists, for the sake of precaution they are all contraindicated during the first trimester of pregnancy .

From the second trimester, it is estimated that it is possible to use in small doses essential oils! However, some precautions should be taken:the essential oil should always be diluted, used in small quantities and never on the stomach or chest. If you see the presence of essential oil in your favorite pregnancy cosmetics, be aware that if the latter is in very small quantities (less than 3%), few risks are possible. If in doubt, you can consult a toxicologist or send a message to our super Customer Happiness team:[email protected]!

Which essential oils are not recommended during pregnancy?

Cosmetics for pregnant women:what precautions to take?

Among the essential oils not recommended throughout pregnancy we find essential oils containing ketones (powerful aromatic molecules considered abortifacient) and "estrogen-like" essential oils (which have an effect on hormones):Wormwood, Yarrow, Camphor, Atlas Cedar, Turmeric, Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus mint, Spearmint &Peppermint, Palmarosa, Rosemary with camphor &Rosemary with verbenone, Sage officinalis, etc. This list is not exhaustive , once again for information coming from a professional turn to a toxicologist!

What products should pregnant women avoid?

We often talk about ingredients not to be used during pregnancy, but there are also cosmetics not recommended for pregnant women ! During pregnancy, the skin of the future mother is put to the test:her hormones are in madness, her blood volume increases and her skin will stretch to make room for the baby! All these upheavals lead to changes in the epidermis:it is drier, more fragile and irritated more easily. To avoid attacking it too much, we classify among the pregnancy products to avoid:peels, grain scrubs, self-tanners, conventional beauty products, synthetic perfumes, products that contain retinol (vitamin A ), deodorants with aluminum salts , etc.

Are make-up, perfume, coloring and nail polish allowed for pregnant women?

If you want to wear make-up and perfume yourself during your pregnancy, treat yourself to some organic and natural make-up and organic fragrances without allergens ! As for colorings, avoid those of classic hairdressers which are full of ammonia, formaldehyde, parabens, toluene, ... and so on. These substances are at risk for the future mother since they penetrate the hair and the scalp. There is therefore a good chance that they will be found in the blood... If you cannot do without coloring during your pregnancy, go to a hairdresser who offers vegetable coloring! Do not forget to tell him that you are expecting a child so that he can adapt the ingredients to your situation. As for varnishes, you can apply them from time to time, making sure to choose organic &natural varnishes , like those of the Manucurist brand. For the solvent, also turn to a certified organic brand!

Organic brands for pregnant women:Omum and Laboratoires Téane

To accompany you in this wonderful moment that is pregnancy, we have selected two brands dedicated to organic cosmetics for pregnant women! Omum and Laboratoires Téane have developed natural and skin-friendly formulas for all pregnant women. The key is moisturizing and anti-stretch mark creams, lotions against hair loss, very gentle intimate cleansers, but also natural solid perfume sticks suitable for pregnancy and breastfeeding!

In our selection of pregnancy cosmetics , you can also find solid soaps and neutral shower gels, green make-up, moisturizing vegetable oils or gentle shampoos and conditioners. In short, everything you need to take care of yourself naturally and effectively when you're pregnant!

Which products should I choose for my baby?

Of course, we weren't going to leave you without a little advice on the products to use for your baby! At birth, and until the age of two/three, the baby's skin is not mature:it is finer, more porous and more sensitive to external aggressions. To protect it, it is necessary to choose natural products with an appropriate pH. That's why organic baby care is perfect! In our special baby selection you will find accessories, such as nail scissors, Weleda diaper cream or even mild soaps and organic cleansing waters for babies.

As you will have understood, it is essential to pay particular attention to the beauty products used during pregnancy . Choosing to turn to certified organic brands allows you to avoid a good number of endocrine disruptors and take care of yourself in the fairest way!

If in doubt about a product, do not hesitate to contact the NUOO Customer Happiness service at the following email address:[email protected] :)

Give us in the comments your future mom's beauty routine!