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What cosmetics do young people take to a desert island?

To gain insight into the most important cosmetic products for young people, the researchers asked them the question:if you could take 3 products with you to a desert island, which would they be? The Dutch Cosmetics Association has carried out an extensive study into the development of the self-confidence of young people and the role of personal care in this. In addition to mood swings and budding sexuality, young people (14-21 years) often experience a loss of control:on a physical, social and family level. With grooming, young people regain self-confidence; it makes them feel more in control.

What cosmetics do young people take to a desert island?

The answers confirmed the conclusions of the youth survey:young people want to be well cared for, because it gives them back control and makes them feel more secure. That is why they opt for cleaning and caring products such as toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant and shower products. What do they actually achieve with the use of these products on a desert island:
– by smelling fresh they do not stand out (in a negative sense)
– they feel more masculine vs. more feminine
– they feel more attractive
– they belong more 'in'

Incidentally, the NCV advises young people to also bring anti-sunscreen cream!