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Bio oil face:because being good in your own skin is the most important

Women's self-confidence sometimes hangs by a thread. New outfit? A good feeling guaranteed! Until suddenly a huge pimple grows out of your nose from one day to the next. Or how about those eternally recurring bad hair days? No, feeling good in your own skin is unfortunately not self-evident. Although? In fact, it's a shame that we worry so much about little things. Moreover, good facial care already saves a lot. Do you suffer from tight, dry skin? Then go for Bio Oil face.

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Good in your own skin

A pimple or bad hair day is annoying, but not a disaster. What if you really feel insecure about your appearance? And even worse:if that hinders you from being comfortable in your own skin. And that sheet is very important here. Because it turns out:skin problems are one of the biggest causes of reduced self-confidence in women. No fewer than 49% of Dutch women indicate that when they suffer from skin complaints, this negatively affects their self-confidence. Perhaps not so crazy; on television and in advertisements we only see radiant peach skins. Smeared with foundation and digitally edited, but still. The bar is set high 😉 . Do you ever feel insecure about your skin? And what are you trying to do about that?

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Perfection and peach skins

Striving for the model look:that is impossible. At least for me. And how terribly boring would it be if we all had such a symmetrical face? So embrace your imperfections, and for heaven's sake just be yourself. As long as you feel good about yourself, you will shine like a true Doutzen Kroes.

Unfortunately, 'being good in your own skin' is not obvious to everyone. And the older you get, the more you suffer from skin problems. Yes, you have a scar here and there, or stretch marks. Or maybe you suffer from acne. A woman's skin has to endure a lot. But also general 'age ailments' will defy your skin. And that starts sooner than you think. As you get older, skin gets drier. You can also suffer from pigmentation spots. You can use Bio-Oil for that.

Read also: the Doutzen Kroes diet

Bio oil face

With a heavy heart I think back to my student days. Fatty food, little sleep, (too) much drink, and the next day with a radiant face back to college. If I dare to do that now, I will immediately be punished for it. And maybe you recognize it yourself:every year that you get older, imperfections appear. Especially in the winter you can suffer from a very tight, dry skin. The heating doesn't really help. And in the summer your skin has to tolerate the bright sun. Bio Oil face offers your skin that extra bit of protection.

Do you suffer from red spots, loose skins or itchy skin on your face? Then you can use Bio Oil face. That restores the natural oil layer of your face. You know, that layer with which there was nothing wrong with our student days 😉 .

How do I use Bio-Oil?

Since it is an oil I wouldn't use too much of it at once. Make sure you start with a few drops so that you don't smear a greasy layer. I personally find it best to use it in the evening when I apply the Bio Oil on my face. I don't like it in the morning because it doesn't absorb completely and the greasy layer doesn't bring me a good start to the day. In the evening, on the other hand, I love it. It spreads nicely and I have the feeling that it can really do its job at night.

The Bio Oil face has a subtle scent, which comes from the added perfume. Perhaps a bit of a shame that it is not completely natural, but that scent is nice. Now I don't have very sensitive skin, so I can have this.

Bio oil for stretch marks and scars

Perhaps the heaviest attack on a woman's skin is – yes, there it is again – the fine pregnancy. As beautiful as the miracle that comes out of your belly is, you have to make room for it. The result:stretched skin on your stomach. And let stretch marks be a lasting reminder of your pregnancy. Fortunately, you can also use Bio-Oil for that. This keeps the skin nourished and supple, so that stretch marks can largely disappear. It never goes completely away but well, we have to give something for it, for that young.

You can also use Bio-Oil to make scars less visible. The same applies here as with stretch marks. They may become less visible, but they will never disappear completely. Especially not if they are old scars. So make sure you start greasing on time and keep it supple, Joyce used it a lot when Lotte got a serious scar in her face, but also during her own eyelid correction!

You can buy Bio Oil face online here

Bad Hairdays

Back to the bad hair days. With a few drops of the Bio-Oil you can at least ensure that your hair is less fluffy. Or massage in some of the oil after washing your hair after a sunny day at the beach. Your hair could use some extra attention!

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