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Damaged skin:our advice to repair it naturally

First cracks of the year, small accidents of life, bad cosmetic choices...:is your skin injured, irritated or attacked? Here are some tips to repair damaged skin gently and naturally depending on the situation.

Damaged skin:long live 100% natural cocooning treatments

Pulling cheeks, deepening fine lines or even flaking:in autumn, the wind and the first cold spells can dry out the skin. To make it supple and comfortable your epidermis, there's nothing like well-nourishing organic cosmetics, to be chosen by favoring the simplest possible products:

  • Particularly rich in fatty acids and antioxidant vitamins, shea butter (Butyrospermum parkii ) is the all-round champion of restorative care.
  • Increasingly popular, argan oil also very suitable for dry skin. Anti-aging, it is also an ally of choice to keep your radiance over the years.
  • And to make your skin look like a baby, long live the delicate sweet almond oil ! Both softening and emollient, it soothes, nourishes and strengthens your skin.

A little extra tip so as not to ruin the effect of beauty oils and butters:when washing your face, always favor a very gentle cleansing , that is to say without water or made with a neutral PH product. Because very hard water or too strong a cleansing gel can also dry out the skin...

DIY:SOS injured hands!

Thorns, splinters, traces of sticky glue on your fingertips... When you garden or do DIY without gloves, the skin of your hands can also suffer:

  • If your skin has abrasions or cuts , start by gently cleaning it with lukewarm water. Then disinfect the wound with a compress and an antiseptic, then protect your skin with an adhesive bandage.
  • In case of splinter , remove the intruder as soon as possible using disinfected tweezers. If it resists, dip your finger in a bowl of hot water and try again. Then clean and disinfect the wound. All you have to do is put on a small bandage.
  • You used strong glue with your bare hands ? After removing the glue with acetone, wash your skin with soapy water. To prevent the epidermis from drying out, you can then apply a good layer of vegetable butter or classic hand cream.

Skin reaction, how not to make it worse?

Testing gels and creams, we love it! But now, it can happen that the usually docile skin revolts against a new product:it heats up, itches, reddens... If true allergic reactions are rare, irritations are more frequent. To repair the damage:

  • Immediately stop using the affected product.
  • Sooth the burning sensation with a cold compress on the affected area.
  • Then apply some Aloe vera gel :this natural product is very effective in soothing the epidermis. It is also a must for chapped lips!
  • In the days that follow, avoid anything that can attack your skin :hair removal, exfoliation…

A note for next time:if you try a new beauty product, test it on a small area of ​​your skin first . If you react badly, you will avoid irritating your entire face. You can never be too careful...

Well, you know everything! All you have to do is prepare a small medicine box to deal with all the hazards of everyday life.