QUESTION: I have naturally dry, dehydrated skin. I have my legs waxed by a beautician every four to six weeks. I also exfoliate my legs and apply a body milk every day. I still suffer from ugly red dots. What else can I do?
ANSWER: “My compliments for the way you take care of your legs. You do that perfectly. It is also good that you are very consistent in your care ritual and a good moisturizing product every day. applies.
You could go even further:a soothing oil relaxes the skin and ensures that it does not lose moisture. Also make sure to use a very mild shower product, as that is the first step in keeping the skin supple.
The problem of the red dots could also be caused by the waxing. You may be hypersensitive to it. Skip the waxing for once and remove hair temporarily with a depilatory cream, you can then see whether red dots appear again or not.
Hair rather not with a razor , because then the hairs grow back a bit more bluntly and that quickly gives a stiff, stubbly feeling.”
Annette Mulder, training manager Clarins