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Red speckles after epilation

Red speckles after epilation

‘I have been a fan of electric epilation for years, but notice that the skin on my legs reacts less and less to it. After epilation I get red bumps, which sometimes last for a week and a half. What can I do to prevent those bumps?'

Ana Rodriguez, PR manager Braun: 'Skin irritation after electric epilation can occur with dry or sensitive skin. If you previously had less irritated skin after epilation, it is probably because your skin was less dry and therefore less sensitive. To limit skin irritation as much as possible, it is best to apply a good moisturizing cream or lotion to your (lower) legs every day.

Looking for an epilator? has an extensive range.

Epilating while bathing or showering or immediately afterward can also reduce irritation. The warm water causes the blood vessels to widen slightly, so that the blood flows better to the skin. As a result, the hairs are released more easily and substances are released that reduce the pain.

Epilate with a device that can pull out many hairs in one stroke and that you can use in the shower or bath. The device does not have to be passed over the skin as often and the warm water ensures that the hairs come off more easily. Pull the skin taut while epilating so that the tweezers pull out even more hairs. Always use a moisturizing cream or lotion after epilation.'