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Beauty:zoom on microneedling, the revolutionary technique to find perfect skin

We warn you right away, you risk coming out as red as a tomato with irritated skin because the microneedling technique is not necessarily a cakewalk but know's worth it because afterwards it's almost miraculous; your skin texture will be much smoother, your marks and fine lines considerably reduced, in short, the skin on your face will be re-generated.

It's exciting, isn't it? Come on, we tell you everything!

What is microneedling?

It is a non-invasive treatment performed with a small roller (or roller) equipped with micro-needles that micro-perforate the different layers of the dermis. Small perforations which will then lead to a healing process and therefore cell renewal. In other words, this method will strengthen our skin's will to repair itself naturally, by breaking down our already tired and aged collagen strands, triggering a reaction that leads to the production of new collagen on the skin.

Collagen which we remember is a protein that produces new tissue and heals our skin whenever we are burned or our skin suffers any damage. In short, it is the healer of our skin!

Microneedling:how to choose the right dermaroller?

Various rollers exist, the size of the pimples varies from 0.25 mm to 1 mm. The roller to use will therefore depend on the quality of your skin and the part of the face or body to be corrected. Whether you perform the treatment at a salon or at home, the roller must be sterilized before and after each use.

For the most sensitive areas:
Prefer those with 0.25 mm spikes to treat fragile areas (eye contour, lips, décolleté and neck).

To fade deep wrinkles:
0.5mm needle rollers will be ideal.

Microneedling:how does the treatment take place?

To do this with peace of mind, be sure to thoroughly cleanse your skin with a sterilizing lotion beforehand to avoid the risk of bacteria proliferating during micro-perforation of the dermis.
Then get a roller to use single sterilized beforehand, and roll it back and forth over the area to be treated.
Finally finish with a complete cleansing of your skin with a wipe provided for this purpose and a healing cream recommended by your doctor.
Minor bleeding may appear during the treatment, but don't panic, it is completely normal.
After the treatment, it is normal for some redness to appear, but rest assured it will fade after 2 days and the results will really appear from the 4 e > day. It will then be necessary to avoid exposing yourself to the sun in the 2 weeks preceding the session.

Microneedling:who can do it?

The good news is that this treatment can be applied to all skin types, whether fair, matte, thin or thick. Note that this technique is not recommended for pregnant women as well as people suffering from herpes or being on coagulants.

Microneedling:where to do it?

For a session in a beauty salon, plan a budget ranging from 150 to 300 euros, for a session lasting 15 to 20 minutes overall. But for those who want to use the rollers at home, the prices are quite attractive, between 10 and 50 euros.

  • Sqin Bloom microneedling rollerball, 14.70 euros
  • Mini microneedling roller from GHzzY, 20.50 euros
  • Roller from Genosys – Mesosys – Capactual, 39 euros