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Flawless Skin:Here's Why You Need to Get Fruit Acid Treatments Urgently

This pandemic time is an ordeal that places us each face to face with the meaning of our lives and much more lightly in front of our mirror to scrutinize our faces with skepticism and fatalism. However, a few moans later, here we are acting to try to slow down the inexorable imprint of time. Except that for some time now, the quest for the perfect complexion has replaced that of anti-aging. So of course, wrinkles are a major concern, but what matters above all is having a fresh complexion, luminous and smooth skin. This is how in this context, exfoliation has become a key gesture, and more specifically chemical exfoliation, reputed to be gentler on the epidermis than its mechanical equivalent.

Treatments with fruit acids:the epidermis renews itself faster

One of the essential active ingredients for this chemical exfoliation are AHAs. Kezaco? Alpha-hydroxy acids are derivatives of fruit sugars, the best known of which are glycolic acid, lactic acid, malic acid or even citric acid. Their job:to attack the cellular cement that retains dead skin. Freed from dead skin, the epidermis renews itself more quickly, resulting in a brighter, even complexion and less marked fine lines. In short, everything we love!

Fruit acid care:For all skin types

Unlike mechanical exfoliation, AHA treatments do not contain exfoliating beads or particles. As a result, they are better tolerated by sensitive skin that does not tolerate friction well, even very fine particles such as sugar . This allows more regular use and therefore more visible results. The right frequency? Hard to say, it still depends on our skin. In theory, AHA skincare can be used daily.

Fruit acid care:every other day

However, dermatologists recommend using them every other day, especially if you have reactive skin. If you feel tingling or notice redness, space out the uses:this would then be a sign of micro-inflammation, which can lead to premature aging of the skin... Clearly, the opposite of what 'we want ! But then, which AHA product to choose? If you want to do a cure, it is better to start with a treatment (serum or cream) that you use for a month or two, at the change of season. You can also opt for a mask, which you leave on for ten minutes once or twice a week.

Care with fruit acids:use in the evening

Finally, many brands offer care in the form of a lotion (sometimes via soaked pads), which is applied to clean, dry skin, throughout the year, two to three times a week. In all cases, AHA treatments should be used in the evening, as some active ingredients are photosensitizing , and the next day, we think of applying a treatment with SPF to protect the skin.

We have prepared a selection of 18 new and essential products for you to get started!