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Meeting with Namastrip, travel agency and well-being experiences!

Namastrip offers you extraordinary experiences after which you will no longer be the same people! Wellness workshop, yoga retreat, meditation, astrology and online program , they have a wide choice of workshops around well-being. The speakers are both men and women and you can enjoy their spirituality and their diverse and varied skills!

At NUOO, we truly believe that well-being is an integral part of outer beauty . If we feel at peace with ourselves and take time for ourselves, we are convinced that it shows on our skin! Today we invite you to discover a little more about this agency and help you achieve a retirement at home.

Meeting with Namastrip, travel agency and well-being experiences!

What is Namastrip?

It is a concept of travel agency and wellness program online founded by Marion and Séverine, who met during a yoga retreat in 2017, in Bali. You can travel anywhere in France or around the world, or simply from home thanks to exceptional and selected digital experiences.

The retreats take place over a weekend or several days and offer you a moment of absolute relaxation ! The goal is to live an experience in total immersion, without worrying about everyday life. The only thing you need to think about is you! The retreats are organized in such a way as to allow you to return home having really taken the time to relax (physically and emotionally) and to rest. yoga is meditation in motion that opens up corners of your mind that have never been opened before. It is not uncommon to resolve inner conflicts through yoga and meditation! These are two activities that allow you to make a deep inner journey that leaves you at peace with yourself . So yes say like that, you probably tell yourself that we are enlightened but no! Try it and you'll see, you won't be able to do without it!

The agency seen by its founders

What could be better than giving the floor to the two founders, Marion and Séverine, to illustrate the experience!

“To give you the keys to your well-being here and now, to allow you to break with your daily life and conquer yourself:this is the essence of Namastrip! Throughout the year, we are passionate about creating meaningful experiences that will do you good. Whether through our online programs or our well-being stays in France and abroad, discover these moments built just for you during which we share powerful and transformative practices and tools. Appointments designed to soothe you for a long time and allow you to become an actor of your well-being! Joining Namastrip means recharging one's batteries, reconnecting to one's deep desires and soothing one's over-stressed mind . All our stays and programs are carefully created by our team. Nothing is left to chance:we select the best well-being experts to guide you with precision, find the cocoon places that have that magical je-ne-sais-quoi and think about every detail to make you live experiences unforgettable!

Because it is not always easy to know where to start when we want and need to take care of ourselves, our mission is to help you and accompany you on your way to happiness and fulfillment . If your daily life is going too fast, if you want to feel better in your body and your mind, to get away from stress, to take a break and breathe, then it is high time to take this moment for YOU and to enable people to live human, true and benevolent experiences.” We wish you a wonderful timeless experience, for a break from your daily life and a moment of escape! Visit to find out more and redeem your voucher!”

A wellness retreat at home

Going on a yoga retreat for a weekend or a few days is unfortunately not possible for everyone... But as the well-being of all is really important to the two founders, Namastrip offers you a program for a tailor-made retreat at home ! Once the program is purchased, you can devote a few days to it if you have the time. Otherwise you can do the program drop by drop as you see fit! The fact that the retreat is 100% online also gives you the opportunity to leave for a few days to get a change of scenery and fully immerse yourself in it.

Meeting with Namastrip, travel agency and well-being experiences!

How to do a yoga retreat alone at home?

Don't worry, you won't need a lot of equipment to do a yoga retreat at home! The most important thing is to be able to get awaya quiet place and time .

  • Try to be alone during the retreat! If that's not possible, find a quiet place in the house. Decorate this space with candles, incense, your carpet, why not a few cushions, blocks and yoga straps or a plaid for Yin Yoga sessions.
  • Think “comfortable”! Exit slim jeans and lace tops, we spend the week in leggings, sports bras, sweatshirts and big socks!
  • Food level, spend time in the kitchen. Cook light and nutritious meals mindfully! Enjoy this moment and cherish it.
  • Stay away from screens. This last advice may seem absurd given that the retreat is done virtually but outside of your classes, stay away from the television and your telephone. Prioritize reading, nature walks or break times. Learn to live without electronics, enjoy the weather outside whether it's sunny or raining. Breathe and recharge.

Although many don't think of it as such, yoga is a sport! Your movements are based on your breathing which should be deep and full. By moving, you feel good, you become aware of your body and you accept it. That's also feeling beautiful, it's accepting yourself.