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Meeting with JHO, a French brand of organic sanitary protection

A woman has her period for the first time between the ages of 11 and 14. These end with the onset of menopause, between the ages of 45 and 55 on average. Throughout our lives, we therefore have our periods for about thirty years! Who says rule, says hygienic protections and although the tongues are more and more untied on the compositions and the dangers of these, the vagueness still persists... The large groups of periodic protections continue to hold the largest share of the market but little by little, natural brands like JHO are making their mark. And the least we can say is that it's reassuring! Today we invite you to meet the JHO brand, a French and joyful brand.

Above all, introduce yourself and your brand

“I am one of the 2 co-founders of JHO, a brand of organic products for women's intimacy:tampons, towels, panty liners, menstrual panties, intimate gel... On JHO you can even subscribe to get the totally free spirit! JHO means "fair and honest":honest because we are completely transparent about our products whose composition is irreproachable , and just because since the first box sold 3 years ago, we donate part of our turnover to 5 associations that support women in precariousness in France and Africa. Before creating JHO, I was a teacher in the bush in Madagascar, then I did 10 years of journalism, and after 2 years in the world of show business, I wanted to invest myself in a project full of meaning with my partner Coline Mazeyrat:we created JHO! We now have more than 50,000 customers and a great team of 15 people.”

What is your definition of female beauty?

“Very difficult this question! I find that all the women who assume themselves and who have a sparkling look are beautiful.”

Who is your female role model and why?

”Well, of course, there is Simone Veil:keen intelligence, humility, empathy, commitment. But I don't really have a role model. I sometimes meet women whom I admire because they know how to say what they think, because they don't cheat on who they are, because they are funny and courageous.”

What is your favorite quote?

"They didn't know it was impossible, so they did it." It is attributed to Mark Twain, and it sums up a few moments of my life... And we try to apply this motto in everything we do at JHO:no barriers!”

A message to all women?

”Be happy :-)!”

What is my hygienic protection made of?

You have probably noticed, find the list of ingredients that make up our sanitary protections is not easy ! For good reason:no obligation to display them . Only the presence of a fragrance or an allergenic component must be reported. Even today, many women buy the same period protections that their mothers bought. Without really asking questions, just out of habit. Then in October 2012, we learned that an American model, Lauren Wasser, had to have one of her legs amputated because of toxic shock syndrome due to a tampon . From this moment, questions arise. What is toxic shock syndrome? What's in my sanitary pads? What alternative should I use knowing that I will still have my periods for years?

Composition of lambdas sanitary protection

The compositions of the menstrual protections sold by the big brands that we all know are quite… alarming. For the most part, they are made from polypropylene, synthetic polymers, glue and ink . Without forgetting the little perfume to smell good. The ingredients named above are none other than petroleum derivatives which are also endocrine disruptors … These can cause fertility problems, fetal development or hormonal changes. The cotton, sometimes present in the protections, comes from large farms that use pesticides galore and grow it in abundance. We can therefore find pesticide residues in our panties … Not to mention the environmental damage caused by cotton production.
Fortunately, brands like JHO have emerged to offer us feminine hygiene products without chemical substances but with natural components and safe for our health.

Composition of organic sanitary protection

Organic periodic protections are composed of natural ingredients, respectful of our body and the environment. No trace of the presence of controversial substances such as chemical perfumes, petroleum derivatives or endocrine disruptors. Do not be afraid, they are no less absorbent!
To go further, JHO has chosen GOTS-certified organic cotton . This label guarantees respectful production/processing processes, decent working conditions and no use of pesticides. As for the packaging of JHO ​​organic period protection, they are made of corn starch! The brand also guarantees that its products are not bleached with chlorine.

How to choose my hygienic protection?

To choose a hygienic protection that suits you, you have to ask yourself the right questions:

  • Am I comfortable putting on a tampon with an applicator or a menstrual cup?
  • Do I have a toilet with a sink so I can change my menstrual cup at work?
  • Do I have heavy or light menstrual flow?
  • Am I comfortable rinsing off my period panties/washable pads at night (and therefore seeing/touching blood)?
Once you are clear, you can choose your organic protection from the following:

Sanitary napkins or disposable organic panty liners

The basics of the rules:towels! Easy to use everywhere, and more or less absorbent according to your needs, they are the most popular protections of French women.

Washable pads or panty liners

Same principle as disposable pads or panty liners except that this time you can wash and reuse them for several years. They are more economical and more ecological.

Menstrual cup or tampons (disposable and washable)

For these modes of protection, you have to be comfortable with your body and be able to put them on and take them off. For each of them, you will need a water point to wash your hands well before and after as well as rinse the cup.

Period panties

For periods without the fuss:period panties are awesome. Even if you have a heavy flow, your panties keep you dry all day. Also ideal for sports! The only drawback that may put some people off:you have to rinse your panties at night, just like washable towels.
For the most pros among us there is also the free instinctive flow . The goal is to control the flow of his blood by the contraction of his perineum!
All you have to do is assess your needs and desires to turn to safe menstrual protection!

And you, have you switched to organic sanitary protection?