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Meeting with Akane, organic and natural cosmetics

Akane; organic, natural and eco-responsible cosmetics.

At NUOO we love to introduce you to committed and organic brands. Today, meeting with the founder of the Akane brand:Aline Foulet. Flagship ingredient, certified organic brand, no animal testing and made in France, Akane has also developed an antioxidant seven times more effective than vitamin E! To be continued...

Meeting with Akane, organic and natural cosmetics

The origin of the Akane brand

“I have been working in the cosmetics industry for 20 years. 10 years ago, I was working in a large group and I felt a dissonance between what women were shown and what they were told:natural ingredients in the formulas which in reality were synthetic ingredients. The green and clean skincare market was underdeveloped and for me, the organic certification labels already guaranteed women cosmetics that respect the skin and the environment" .

"Today, with massive access to information, the arrival of beauty apps, increasingly strong consumer demands, green beauty has swept the market, which was far from over in 2010. “

All these reasons convinced Aline Foulet to embark on the creation of a certified organic skincare brand . All Akane products are additive-free, paraben-free, PEG-free, silicone-free and the fragrances are natural. No compromise on controversial ingredients is made.

“We are very proud to have moved the lines on our scale, and to have committed upstream in a natural beauty and green very early and more generally in a movement to change consumer behavior.”

The apple at the heart of natural formulations

“I wanted to offer skincare that was easy to read, with a great ingredient. The apple has been recognized for centuries for its health benefits. It is a universal fruit, which grows in all latitudes, nomadic, simple but also recognized for its health benefits. Its concentration of antioxidants could only make it a good treatment for the skin. It was during a stay in Japan that I discovered the Akane variety, which is the variety most concentrated in polyphenols. “

Good to know:polyphenols are powerful antioxidants!

The creation of an innovative super natural ingredient

"After 2 years of research and development, we have developed with the Oléos laboratory an exclusive active ingredient obtained by a plant extraction process".

The green brand had the idea of ​​extracting all the active ingredients present in the apple, leaving nothing aside:flesh, skin and leaves of the apple tree were used. They then combined the active ingredients with a vegetable oil known nourishing and regenerating :that of rosebush-muscat. From this mixture was born their oleoactive which is present in all their natural beauty products. It is an antioxidant , seven times more effective than vitamin E. You can find these organic cosmetics from the Akane brand on the NUOO online store.

Akane:a tour of France for natural and committed cosmetics

"Akane is a family adventure since we are partners, Jean-Philippe and I, in the adventure... and in the life that we share with our 2 daughters aged 12 and 9. All our treatments are thought out in Paris and produced in France . Akane apples are harvested each year in Corrèze, in the orchards of Reygades. We work with local producers who have not changed since the beginning of the adventure, whether it is our partner laboratories located in the Hérault, our packaging suppliers or even the signature perfume of the range located in Grasse. Behind this entrepreneurial adventure there are people who have believed in us and have supported us from the start. What thrills me is also working with a team on a human scale, 100% invested in the project.”

Asia as a model

As said above, it was a trip to Japan and the discovery of the Akane apple variety that made Aline want to create an organic cosmetics brand. Beyond all that, it is also their holistic approach to beauty that inspires her. Holistic Beauty it is to take into account everything that composes us:the exterior as well as the interior. We must think about food, sleep, sports activity, relaxation and of course cosmetics (we often talk about this at NUOO). As with the food we eat, we must use cosmetics made with organic ingredients , natural if possible, and without endocrine disruptors. We often envy Asians their perfect skin, their beautiful hair and their legendary calm... It's time to get started, let's learn to take care of ourselves and at the same time our planet!

Skincare as the only make-up

"I believe in natural, healthy and active cosmetics. Our treatments are aimed at all women, whatever their age and skin type. It is aimed at women who are looking for care that respects the skin, environment and animals, who are looking for committed care. Beautiful skin is above all healthy skin that we respect without trying to camouflage it. Far from stereotypes, I imagine treatments that help women reconcile with their skin. Dare to go out bare-skinned, be able to proudly wear your skin.”

Not wearing makeup is also a great opportunity to let your skin breathe! Make-up and pollution can damage our skin over the years. Especially if the make-up removal step is a bit sloppy… At NUOO, we follow the example of Japanese culture with the make-up removal tripe! The goal ? Remove make-up with an oil, cleanse with a konjac sponge and an organic facial cleanser and soothe the skin with a natural and gentle floral water. A moment of relaxation and care after an active day:holistic beauty in action!

Shared values

"I really like the philosophy of NUOO with whom we share a lot of values ​​and I am delighted that subscribers can discover part of our range of organic cosmetics at NUOO. Amazing textures, addictive fragrances, super concentrated in active ingredients, our natural range allows you to regain healthy and soft skin day after day.”